Your Boy Cedy-Ced was born in Oakland, Cali in the late 70's. Lived in East Oakland, West Oakland (Cypress Village, Acorn, Ghostown, 18th & Filbert, 35th & San Pablo, 24th & Telegraph) Sacramento, Hayward, Union City, Newark, Fremont, all over the Bay Area. I went to McClymonds High and graduated from Sacramento High. I went to Ohlone college and now go to Chabot College in Hayward. I work Security for Kaiser Permanente in Oakland. I am a part of an off the hook Gospel Hip Hop Group called S.I.S.T.E.M. I attend Family Bible Fellowship and love Jesus Christ with a passion. I am Married to a beatiful young lady by the name of Nickisha Lyons and have 2 beatiful baby Boys by the name of Makhi Josiah and Mason Leo Lyons. My Wife, 2 sons and I live in Dublin and are very happy.Listen to a few tracks from my group:
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