I am first a child of the King who rules EVERYTHING, 2nd I'm wife and mother. I'm laid back, quiet to some, but I talk when it's necessary. Too much talking can sometimes amount to nothing, but choosing what you say and when to say it provides teachable moments & gives you time to think. I am happy with who I've become in Jesus and I would take the same road to get to the desitination I'm headed for, for each door that has been opened and shut, there was always a plan for my future. I lost my mom to lung cancer in 2003, the hardest thing I've ever had to face in my life, but not too hard to get through, my granny died shortly after my mom in the same year, and before a year had past I lost my FAVORITE cousin to a murder, he was SHOT in the head and left to die, and he did just that died.....mom and grandma were saved, but my cousin died in his sins, that stabbed me in my heart more than losing my mom, because his fate lies in hell and there is nothing I can do about it....I shared Christ with him on more than one ocassion but he chose not to accept Jesus' free gift...this is what drives me to share Christ with others, so come on SOLDIERS for CHRIST, get up and lets tell everyone we can about Jesus who came, died and rose and is coming back for HIS bride...THE CHURCH.want to know more about me....just send me a message and I'd be glad to share more of my life if it will help you.Tons of Christian Music at C28.com