Electric&Domestic profile picture



About Me

I due Elettrici&Domestici vivono ai confini tra una campagna elettrica e una cittadina domestica del nord Italia. Hanno una stalla dove allevano le proprie idee e un gregge di televisori. Si nutrono di uova sode, farro e mele di computer. Hanno tutto quanto serve: lavatrice, gatti, microonde, amore, minipimer, amici. ED1 ha una bella barba, suona la chitarra, cucina e rifà il letto. ED2 ha un bel sorriso, suona il basso, cucina e passa l'aspirapolvere. Gli ED Si sono incontrati nel dicembre 2005 e dal febbraio 2008 hanno iniziato a scrivere i pezzi per "E&D1&2", che è il loro primo album e contiene sostanzialmente canzoni d'amore. Con la musica vogliono raccontare un sentimento folk attraverso canzoni arrangiate in modo essenziale. // The Electric&Domestic two live at the border between an electric countryside and a domestic little town in northern Italy. In their barn they raise ideas and a herd of TV sets. They eat boiled eggs, spelt and computer apples. They've got everything they need: a washing machine, cats, a microwave oven, love, a minipimer, friends. ED1's got a beautiful beard, he plays guitar, cooks and makes the bed. ED2's got a beautiful smile, she plays bass, cooks and vacuum cleans. E&D met in december 2005 and started writing "E&D1&2" in february 2008. This is their first album and it's basically made of love songs. With their music E&D want to tell a folk feeling through essentially arranged songs.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/22/2008
Band Website: "
Band Members: ED1 ED2
Sounds Like: Play the sequence of the Consequence


Type of Label: None

My Blog

E&D1 (the first hypothetical album)

tracks:how do you feelthe traffic on the hillthe noisemakerthe consequencecasalingus erectusgoatspeachesso gratefuloh, dudemy world 2my romance at dinner...
Posted by Electric&Domestic on Fri, 09 May 2008 12:09:00 PST

E&D2 (Whats New York like before you first got there?)

tracks:hungry for somethingthe Portrait Train Linegoing outrhabdomancy
Posted by Electric&Domestic on Fri, 09 May 2008 12:06:00 PST

| E&D | ‚ƒ | ee | UU |  | x | ˜˜ | HH | !! |

| E&D | ‚ƒ | ee | UU |  | x | ˜˜ | HH | !! |
Posted by Electric&Domestic on Fri, 09 May 2008 10:20:00 PST

the Consequence

Guarda questo video: the Consequence ..Aggiungi al mio profilo | Altri video...
Posted by Electric&Domestic on Wed, 25 Jun 2008 03:21:00 PST