Member Since: 10/4/2004
Band Website: You're lookin at it.
Band Members: Connie Crandall-vocals, keyboard, guitar.
Javier Romero -vocals, guitar, keyboard.
Maury Crandall-vocals, drums.
Former giranimals include:
Fox Fletcher of Leiahdorus.
Ruben Cordova of Satellite Decorder.
and Jamie Rushad.
Influences: Some Albums That Have Influenced Us: The Zombies Odessey & Oracle, the Beach Boys Pet Sounds, Os Mutantes Os Mutantes, the Band Music from Big Pink, the Shins Oh, Inverted World, the Breeders Pod, Fruit Bats Spelled In Bones, Pink Floyd Meddle, the Byrds Sweetheart of the Rodeo, and on and on...
We’ve played shows with: The Shins, The Album Leaf, Love As Laughter, Beirut, Aqueduct, Viva Voce, The Lilys, 31 Knots, Aloha, Asobi Seksu, The Octopus Project...
Sounds Like: A married couple making blissful music; sometimes alone, sometimes with friends.
Record Label: June Records
Type of Label: Indie