the giranimals profile picture

the giranimals

Indie paupers

About Me

The Giranimals started with Connie and Maury Crandall. Just two kids wanting to make pretty pop music. Others have come and gone. Here we are today.
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we are in the process of recording new songs right now!
we have also recently joined up with our good friends at June Records.
"Often boasting haunting harmonies, The Giranimals seem to get better as you dive deeper into their “Imperfectly Timed Words”. Sweet lyrical twists with quaint pop melodies that are laudable and give pop hope again."
"...the debut album from Albuquerque’s Giranimals is a refreshing throwback to pop songs of the ’60s tightly woven with sharp, modern indie rock. It’s catchy, sure, but it undeniably deserves to be." Flagstaff Live, May 31st, 2007.
Imperfectly Timed Words was selected as one of Local IQ's top releases of 2006. "Sweetiepie jangle pop that almost makes your teeth hurt with lovely vocals someplace between Velocity Girl and Mary Lou Lord."
"Imperfectly Timed Words is a wonderful catalog of indie-pop melodies that are quaint without veering into irritating territory." Weekly Alibi V.15 No.29.
"Their overtly charming pop songs are untroubled and breezy. They will serve to move your loneliness and troubles a mile away." New West Network, Feb. 3rd, 2006.
"...intensely sweet...there's lots of good melody and hooks to chew on." WigWamBam No.71.
"...a fun frolic into pop music...The new CD is full of songs that with slightly different arrangements the Lovin' Spoonful or the Turtles would've made hits from, led by Connie Crandall's singing." Albuquerque Journal, July 21, 2006.
"...pure jangle heaven...Most all of these songs will conjure a sense of place, either Albuquerque or New Mexico or the wide open spaces in between." Albuquerque Tribune, August 18, 2006.
"...a blend of Beach Boys-style pop, a peppy surf sound, and most noticeably, a fixation on melody. On the whole, The Giranimals music is simple but not simplistic, cute but not cheesy. Its not a kind of music you hear very often...and that's the most pleasing part."
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***Our debut cd, Imperfectly Timed Words is out now*** Buy it here for $10 (shipping included) through Paypal:
Or, you can buy it for $10 (shipping included) through cd Baby:
The cd is also for sale locally (Albuquerque) at Natural Sound and MusicGoRound.

My Interests


Member Since: 10/4/2004
Band Website: You're lookin at it.
Band Members: Connie Crandall-vocals, keyboard, guitar.
Javier Romero -vocals, guitar, keyboard.
Maury Crandall-vocals, drums.
Former giranimals include:
Fox Fletcher of Leiahdorus.
Ruben Cordova of Satellite Decorder.
and Jamie Rushad.
Influences: Some Albums That Have Influenced Us: The Zombies Odessey & Oracle, the Beach Boys Pet Sounds, Os Mutantes Os Mutantes, the Band Music from Big Pink, the Shins Oh, Inverted World, the Breeders Pod, Fruit Bats Spelled In Bones, Pink Floyd Meddle, the Byrds Sweetheart of the Rodeo, and on and on...
We’ve played shows with: The Shins, The Album Leaf, Love As Laughter, Beirut, Aqueduct, Viva Voce, The Lilys, 31 Knots, Aloha, Asobi Seksu, The Octopus Project...
Sounds Like: A married couple making blissful music; sometimes alone, sometimes with friends.
Record Label: June Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New band member, new record label, etc.

We are now a three-piece again (we were a trio a few years back when we first started playing shows) with Javier Romero on guitar, keys, and vocals. He is very talented and we are flattered he would w...
Posted by the giranimals on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 08:40:00 PST

New show review as two piece.

A Man About A Horse, the Giranimals 3/14/08 @ The StoveIts been many months since I’ve seen the Giranimals, long enough that Connie’s ready to deliver another offspring soon. If we’r...
Posted by the giranimals on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 03:00:00 PST

New music soon...

We are working on 5 new songs. They are going to be fuzzy, noisy, fun songs that sound much different from our old stuff. Sit tight, they should be done in the next few months.
Posted by the giranimals on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 09:03:00 PST


Here is some of the press that we've gotten recently:Smother Magazine www.smothermagazine.comReview of Imperfectly Timed WordsRangy female vocals stir the indie pop pot a bit, blending in a dash of f...
Posted by the giranimals on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 09:52:00 PST