Film, music, books, writing, comics, cult tv...
Quirky, unique people. Love to chat film theory with any cinephiles.
Pet Shop Boys, Duran Duran, Sparks, a-Ha, Dandy Warhols, Electric Six, Terry Hall, Kandy Whales, LCD Soundsystem, Daft Punk, Madness, Paul Weller, Jem, Detroit Cobras
Touch Of Evil, North By Northwest, Wild At Heart, Dr Strangelove, Sherlock Jr, Modern Times, Metropolis, Shadow Of A Doubt, Johnny Guitar, Stairway To Heaven, The Servant, Eraserhead, Twister (Crispin Glover version), Rushmore, and anything with Paul Muni in it.
League Of Gentleman, Little Britain, Bottom/Young Ones, House MD, Dr Who, The Sopranos, Deadwood, Buffy/Angel
High Fidelity, American Psycho, Story Of My Live, Slaves Of New York, McSweeney's, Henry IV Part Two, The Moonstone, Charles Willeford, Charles Willeford, Charles Willeford
Johnny Lydon, Orson Welles, Mike Schmidt