Marietta, Washington Co. Ohio profile picture

Marietta, Washington Co. Ohio

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 ( April 7, 1788, a flatboat, a galley and three log canoes arrived at the confluence of the Ohio and Muskingum Rivers. Forty-eight men of the Ohio Company Associates led by General Rufus Putnam came ashore and began a great, historic adventure. These pioneers, veterans of the Revolutionary War, preserved through daunting hardships to found Marietta, the first organized American (within the United States) settlement in the Northwest Territory, and Ohio's first city. Marietta was named to honor Marie Antoinette, the French Queen who supported the Americans in the war against Great Britain. Marietta was the seat of government for the Northwest Territory. Drawing many pioneers wishing to purchase land, it soon became known as The Gateway To The Northwest. =================================================== ===================================================They were men---real men---the first handful of pioneers who founded Marietta on April 7, 1788. Theirs was no wild dream of hidden treasures of fabulous riches; but the undying desire to live---to breathe the air---to make happy homes for themselves and their families. Fear was not in their hearts. They dared to risk privation, possible famine and even death---because they believed in this area. The quitter---the weakling---lingered for a time, then left defeated. But those we remember---those who went on to achieve--the builders--remained to fashion one of the most beautiful and productive areas in the entire United States---MARIETTA! Through out several generations, we have reaped and are reaping the rewards made possible through their efforts. In agriculture, in industry, in natural resources, Marietta is rich. And it is our duty to keep the wheels of progress in motion; to preserve this abudant wealth, to make use of it wisely---for our own benefit and for the benefit of posterity. But the real progress--the actual ground work of achievement--must be credited to those first sturdy settlers. They had the will to win, the constant determination to build their lives around success--they were the kind of men and women who made America the great nation it is today. =================================================== ===================================================THE FIRST 48 SETTLERS OF MARIETTA, OHIO WERE: James Barlow; - Daniel Bushnell; - Phineas Coburn; - Captain Ezekiel Cooper; - Ebenezer Cory; - Samuel Cushing; - Jervis Cutler; - Israel Danton; - Captain Daniel Davis; - Jonas Davis; - Allen Devol; - Gilbert Devol, Jr.; - Captain Jonathan Devol; - Isaac Dodge; -Oliver Dodge; - Samuel Felshaw; - Hezekiah, Flint; - Hezekiah Flint, Jr; - Captain Peregrine Foster; - John Gardner; - Captain William Gray; - Benjamin Griswold; -Elizur Kirtland; - Theoplilus Leonard; - Joseph Lincoln; - Simeon Martin; - William Bond Mason; - John Matthews; - Henry Maxon; - Colonel Return Jonathan Meigs; - William Miller; - Edmund Moulton; - William Multon; - Captain Josiah Munroe; - Amos Porter; - Allen Putnam; - Captain Jethro Putnam; - Benjamin Shaw; -Earl Sproat; - Captain Ebenezer Sproat; - Major Anselum Tupper; - David Wallace; - Joseph Wells; - Haffield White; - Peletiah White and Josiah Witridge.

My Interests

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OPENING THE DOOR WEST is a DVD/VHS Documentary about how the Ohio company of Associates began the first organized American settlement in the old Northwest Territory. It has been aired on local PBS stations and has won many awards. This is a MUST HAVE video for enjoys history. To order yours today, visit Shelborne Films website. =================================================== =================================================== =================================================== ===================================================SAVE THE DELTA QUEEN! - "GODSPEED, DELTA QUEEN" =================================================== A "MUST SEE" video.....Anyone growing up along the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers LOVES the Delta Queen. I actually had tears in my eyes as I watched the video, knowing that its possible that we may lose this historical riverboat....An important part of American history.



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Jan Hall's Slide Show MARIETTA FLOOD January 7, 2004 ..


Jan Hall's Slide Show MARIETTA FLOOD September 17, 2004 ..

Riverfront Roar Tunnel Boat Racing Marietta, Ohio2006 Marietta Sternwheeler Races

My Blog

Check out this video: Save the Delta Queen - Godspeed, Delta Queen

Check out this video: Save the Delta Queen - Godspeed, Delta Queen ..Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Marietta, Washington Co. Ohio on Tue, 27 May 2008 06:14:00 PST

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

ORDINANCE OF 1787[The Confederate Congress, JULY 18, 1787.]  An Ordinance for the government of the territory of the United States northwest of the river Ohio SECTION 1. Be it ordained by th...
Posted by Marietta, Washington Co. Ohio on Mon, 26 May 2008 08:01:00 PST

Marietta, Ohio Businesses of the 1960s & 70s

Listed below are 247+ Marietta, Ohio businesses that was popular in the 1960's and '70's.  Some are no longer in existance, either by going out of business, name change, moving to another locatio...
Posted by Marietta, Washington Co. Ohio on Thu, 22 May 2008 05:20:00 PST


SHIPYARDS, SHIPS, BRIGS, SCHOONERS, AND STEAMBOATS - On The Ohio and Muskingum RiversBuilt in Marietta and Harmar, Washington County, Ohio --- Includes some information about several steamboat disaste...
Posted by Marietta, Washington Co. Ohio on Thu, 15 May 2008 07:20:00 PST

Be Sure to Read The Comments Attached To The Pics.

Hey Everyone.... Be sure to check out the comments attached with the photos in each album.  Most comments give more information about the pic. If you have a comment about any photo, feel fre...
Posted by Marietta, Washington Co. Ohio on Thu, 15 May 2008 05:43:00 PST

Other Sites Say These Census Dont Exist, But They Do!

Links to Northwest Territory and early Washington County, Ohio, censuses. Other sites say they don't exist, but they do!   1790 Northwest Territory Census Index 1800 Census 1810 Census ========...
Posted by Marietta, Washington Co. Ohio on Thu, 15 May 2008 09:55:00 PST


Posted by Marietta, Washington Co. Ohio on Wed, 14 May 2008 07:31:00 PST

Marietta, Ohio GROUP (Join Today!)

Marietta, Ohio has a new GROUP:   Group Leader is Cindy Lincoln.  It's for current or former residents.  A fun way of keeping in touch with old friends or making new ones.  JOIN TO...
Posted by Marietta, Washington Co. Ohio on Tue, 13 May 2008 06:42:00 PST

77th OVI Fallen Soldiers From Washington County, Ohio

77TH OVI - FALLEN HEROS  FROM WASHINGTON COUNTY, OHIO   Compiled by Debbie Noland Nitsche     More than 4000 men from Washington County, Ohio served in the Civil War.  So...
Posted by Marietta, Washington Co. Ohio on Sun, 11 May 2008 07:44:00 PST


This site is maintained by Debbie Noland Nitsche. Special thanks to my friend Pedro, for the background layout and to Galen Frysinger, Henry Burke, Dan Hinton & David OBrien for giving permission ...
Posted by Marietta, Washington Co. Ohio on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 10:54:00 PST