Marijuana MySpace Comments & Cool MySpace Comments WELCOME FELLOW STONERS,Mary Jane loves all her seeds(even if we don't) and would like to share stories, veiws, & pic's. So, If you LOVE SMOKING WEED and have GOOD TIMES doing it. Then share those HIGH TIMES with MARY!!! I believe that everybody should be BLAZIN IT UP & enjoying the HIGH LIFE. I've been smoking weed for uhh...let's see hear yeah, I forget. So yeah, well just say many, many years! Then I stop & TRY to think how SMOKING FUCKING WEED has affected my life in any negative way. It's only been GOOD LUAGHS, GOOD TIMES with some GOOD FRIENDS! SO WHEN I'M NOT SMOKING IT, TOKING IT OR RIPPIN IT! I'M BREAKING IT UP, I'M ROLLING IT UP, I'M PACKING UP & I'm BAKING IT UP :)...So take a TOKE, tell a JOKE and please don't CHOKE!Myspace Graphics Myspace Layouts Myspace Backgrounds
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My Interests
Sweet Smelly Sticky Buds,Bongs,Blunts,Papers,Hemp, Planting,Smoke rides and Who ever has the Phat Sack!!
I'd like to meet:
All supporters of legalizing Marijuana!
My Blog
MY STORY (When I realized I loved Mary Jane)
I believe it was the summer of 1991. My good friend Nelly was having a house party, (parents were away camping of course). ... Posted by Mary Jane on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 11:05:00 PST
Definition of Schwag & Kind Bud
&n... Posted by Mary Jane on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 05:34:00 PST
Very Important Potheads
Bill Gates
Bob Dylan
Alan Ginsberg
Hillary Clinton
Jefferson Airplane
Norah Jones
Kirsten Dunst
Isak Dinesen
Jack Nicholson
... Posted by Mary Jane on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 04:06:00 PST
The Global Marijuana March
The Global Marijuana March - Another Year of Protest! by Cannabis Culture Magazine (05 May, 2007)
Get involved in your city and make a difference!
WORLDWIDE - Two hundred and thirty three cit... Posted by Mary Jane on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 02:27:00 PST