About Me
I have inspired countless masterpiece works of art, classic and otherwise, and timeless music. I have caused much lateness and missed appointments, and general flakiness, throughout the ages. I have been partially responsible for lack of exercise, gaining weight, and a love of much food and drink. I have been accused (some would say without merit or ANY scientific proof) of causing insanity; and being a gateway to Charlie, Horse, Crystal, Tina, etc. I've been labeled a poster boy for much of the problems with youth. I was briefly used by the US government as a racially-motivated tool to enforce laws against migrant workers, Indians, foreigners, jazz musicians, and others who did not fit the mold of proper American society; eventually though, my popularity among white middle class America could not be denied... I was even designated a threat to the paper industry and thus became an enemy of Dupont... I have hung out with men and women of all ages, all races, all economic profiles, and all political leanings. I have participated in religious rituals dating back thousands of years. I have a plan to save tree's and bring back profits to the American farmer. I am harmless; I induce calmness, awareness, and tranquility, and believe peace and love can save our planet~