Getting paid on time, sleeping, and riding to see whatever is cool, especially in a new foreign city. In addition to our pretty profound knowledge about music and live touring, we know something about motorcycles, truck driving, art, golf, cuisine, sailing, investing, literature, computers, and a whole lot about a lot of foreign countries (although, as true Americans, we only speak English fluently. Pathetic.)
Whatever band will pay me to do the first gig on the moon.
You ARE kidding, right? Go read the 'about me' section again.
Fear of A Black Hat, Spinal Tap, anything by Monty Python, Groupie, Almost Famous, Master and Commander, The Hunt for Red October, Heavy Metal, and all the classic 'Rock Operas'. But it's tough to watch a movie: that's 2 hours one could spend sleeping.
Whatever the bus satellite dish can pick up on any given day. We especially like Dethclok; if you've ever worked for Metallica you get more of the jokes than anyone else. But TV overall? Again, it's better to sleep when you can. And you're going to spend 5 minutes in hell for every minute you spend watching MTV.
Classic lit, Rock lit, Poly-sci lit, and anything easy to read when lit.
Jesus, Bart Simpson, my accountant, the founder of Starbucks, and especially the TSA and all the SUPER-DUPER GREAT FANS!!!!!!! You guys are the BEST EVER, and you just feel free to keep trying to talk to me while I'm mixing the show, I don't mind, really! Oh, and these guys: