Rockmahn!! profile picture


God gave Rock and Roll to you!!

About Me

So many people find me here on myspace, or get an invite from me, and start asking "Dude, what is the deal with you?" I AM all about Rock!! If you cannot appreciate a TAMA kit with Sabians keepin the time, a Les Paul right in your face, a Thunderbird hitting you in the chest like a brick wall, or a Hammond B3 providing a bluesy touch....then BUH BYE!! You don't know what we are talking about!! But if you LOVE all of the above and more...then you know ALL about me! That means you are like me and I want you to be joining up on this Rock-n-Roll Ride to glory!! But, this myspace site is all about people with like minds coming together. You BETTER have an attitude about life, or ROCK like no other! If you have much the better! On this myspace site we are gonna take the approach that this is a party! What is mine is yours. C'mon in, mix and mingle. If you comment me, or send an E- Mail...IT WILL BE RETURNED!!! I do especially like people who will actually converse with me. Share your views, on music, life, or whatever. I've got a take or twenty on just about anything. So like Lance says.."Live STRONG!!" and welcome to my party!! Ity is great to have you here.ROCK ON!!!

My Interests

Making Rock-n-Roll, listening to Rock-n-Roll, playing Rock-n-Roll. Being a 60 minute man!! If I have to explain that to you.....FORGET IT!!

I'd like to meet:

ANYONE who picks it, strums it, pounds it, or tickles it. Ya know what I mean!!


ALL Rock-n-Roll. From 50's Saxophone jams to screamin' 80's Guitars to today's dark's all good!


If it has Rock..faves include, The Song Remains the Same, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Rock Star.


Who has time for this? KILL your television!!!! Oh alright.....Headbangers Ball and Behind the Music is ok.


Uh....I read one once! HA HA HA HA!!! I can read...really I can.


Buddy Holly, Elvis, Jimi Hendrix, Eddie Van Halen, Neil Peart, Steve Perry, Gene Simmons, Paul Stanley, David Lee Roth, Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, Jon Bonham, the late GREAT Stevie Ray Vaughn, too freakin many to mention really!!!I also want o give some recognition to the Men and Women serving us in the Military!! Thanks to our F****** Media in this Country they are being portrayed as the terrorists they are over there fighting. We stand today in this Country on the Blood of heroes shed FOR US!! Our Military Men and Women are true HEROES!! Anyone who would give of themselves to serve this Country like they do are Heroes and deserve EVERY shred of recognition they can get. It's one of the reasons I use the photo I do. It illustrates what Rock is all about...that Sonic BOOM!! The controlled explosion. But it is also my own salute to our brave Men and Women in arms!!!!

My Blog

Love Thy Neighbor.........18 and older ONLY!!

With a weary sigh he pushed himself away from his desk, spun his chair around and stared vacantly out the window. Work was demanding his attention, but his mind was having a hard time staying on it. E...
Posted by Rockmahn!! on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 04:46:00 PST

Thoughts from my World

Hey Rockers!! I am still hurting over Brad Delp's passing, but time will heal all. Just can't believe he is gone. I keep reading all of the Fan tribute sites to him. I just wish I could have met ...
Posted by Rockmahn!! on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 06:21:00 PST

Personal Top 10 Rock Albums of the 70's

TOP 10 70'S ALBUMS!!   This was going to be a Top 10 Songs list&&&&.but the problem was I kept thinking of albums and here we are. These are just my own Top Albums. See if you agree or disagree. ...
Posted by Rockmahn!! on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 11:34:00 PST

Top 10 out of the 80's!!

So I caught a part of VH 1's Top 100 of the 80's over the weekend. What I saw was the top 6. I have been asked over the years what my personal Top 10 would be regardless of genre it is! 10. "Tainted L...
Posted by Rockmahn!! on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 10:03:00 PST

Honor them EVERYDAY!!!!

Ok.....the Paris blog got it going....since I am going to get on Soapboxes, I'll stay for awhile!! Today is Veteran's Day. This is the day where suddenly it is cool to show appreciation for the Milita...
Posted by Rockmahn!! on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 02:04:00 PST

What the hell is the BIG deal about Paris???

OK.....I give. What the hell is the BIG deal about Paris Hilton? Will somebody answer this for me? I mean really.........what has she done besides existed? She is as skanky as skanky gets!! So far the...
Posted by Rockmahn!! on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 01:28:00 PST

I wish I would have

I wish I would have taken the time to show I cared. To leave the hurry of life behind for just a minute show you you mean more. I wish I would have listened when you cried. You wanted to sh...
Posted by Rockmahn!! on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 01:20:00 PST

A poem of fantasy

Each day you drive me crazy with a secret desire. One glimpse of your body starts the fire Angels face speaks of pure love. But the devil's smile comes from inside that dove. Good and evil all rolled ...
Posted by Rockmahn!! on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 11:31:00 PST


It had started innocently enough. A friend had called him and invited him to a Bachelor Party. As it happened, his wife was out of town and since he had nothing better to do he accepted. Besides, it h...
Posted by Rockmahn!! on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 11:26:00 PST

The Chain

Hey Rockers!!   I was trying to find a simple way to express both frustration and joy over past and current love. Ms. Erotic Writer gave me a clue....Pleasure and Pain......then this popped out! ...
Posted by Rockmahn!! on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 01:35:00 PST