BLCK-MRKT profile picture


Welcome to BLCK-MRKT (beta)

About Me

BLCK-MRKT is a new internet experiment. What we aim to do is create a new community of artists, musicians and fans. This project is in the very early stages and our official website is still being created.
What the project will eventually be is sort of a "Digital Record Label" of sorts. How it will work is, We will be releasing digital "compilation albums" featuring the best Punk, indie, metal, emo, screamo and underground bands we can find. Our website will be a warehouse of handpicked mp3's for download, FOR FREE. These comp albums will come complete with cd insert art, posters, etc, all print ready so you can download the entire album, print off the artwork and burn the album to a cd if you like, or simply add it to your Ipod or other mp3 player. This will all be free for everyone. No registering, to memberships, no bullshit.
How we intend to do this, is create working relationships with our artists. We will help promote them through the exchange of free banner ads, which we will place on our site in rotation, as well as a news section that will feature news updates from any band that is featured in our downloads. We will also post tourdates and even give each band it's own page on the site, which we will add for them, and they will be allowed to post bios, photos, exclusive videos and other downloads, if they so choose. All this is available to any band that offers a track or two for us to feature on our site.
In essence, BLCK-MRKT wants to help your band or record label get heard. We want to expose your music to new fans, help promote your work and eventually, we would like to release full albums by artists we dig.
This is still very early in the development phase, so chances are, if you are on this page, it's because we found your myspace page, listened to your songs and liked what we heard. We are in the process of checking out tons and tons of bands, and adding them to our friends if we like them.
So, in other words, if you are here, we want to work with you. If you have read this far and like what you see, please drop us a line and say, "Hey, we wanna work with you too!" All you need to do is get in contact and we can work out what happens next. All you really have to loose is letting people download a track or two of your music on our site.
We are based in Wisconsin, so the majority of the bands we are looking at are from this area, but we are in no way limited to this region, we are simply following the breadcrumbs of our friends bands and their friends bands to find the best music we can find.
If you are in a band and aren't our friend yet, ADD US. If you know a band who isn't our friend, ADD US, and tell us about them. If you are a Record Label and aren't our friend yet, ADD US.
We are devoted to the underground and want to create something special here. Anyone who thinks they might be able to help out in any way, PLEASE let us know. Our full site will be launching soon, but until then, we have to rely on myspace, until we begin to build a roster of bands. We will keep everyone posted on what is happening and how things are progressing.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All independent Punk, Hardcore, Crust, Emo, Screamo, Indie, Garage Rock, Metal or otherwise kickass band out there.
