011101000111001001111001011010010110111001100111001000000111 010001101111001000000111001001100101011000100111010101101001 011011000110010000100000011101000110100001100101001000000111 010101101110011010010111011001100101011100100111001101100101 , running, jumping, climbing trees, making tattoos, paintings, drawings, scribbles, doodles, chicken scratch, etch-a-sketching, strumming a guitar, picking a guitar, making music that goes bang! boom! ratatat! boom! watching movies, thinking about watching movies, refusing to clean, buying ridiculous toys, overreacting, exhuberance, believing in magic tricks, finding as many ways to roll about as humanly possible, hating pink flamingos, brazz knuckles, fruity candy, making wishes, drinking beers, letting go, learning fish hat stuffs, eating chips and candy, being awesome, I wanna live 'til I die, no more, no less.
Swedish metal, japanese rock, russian pop, nerd rock, video game soundtracks, movie composers, prog metal, pirate metal, industrial awesomeness and more.
Ghostbusters, Wasabi, 2046, God of Cookery, Back to the Future, Jumper, The Professional, Fight Club, blah blah blah
Metalocalypse, Family Guy, pretty much most of adult swim... my name is earl, lots of old ones, lots of new ones... don't wanna think this hard right meow.
RiceMaster Kaze, Devin Townsend, Stephen Chow