Psychic phenomena, compassion, truth, walking barefoot through soft green grass, rainbows, the glow in the sky after rain on a summer afternoon, the characters living in my crystals, old churches, the unique or unusual, opening my eyes to what's in this world and others, human frailty, the many roads to enlightenment and the journey, natural medicine/healing, fantasy and imagination, the power within.
My higher self - more often, anyone with a strong sense of their inner power, people who make me laugh and people who shock me or make me think.
The Church, Nick Cave, Cocteau Twins, The Tea Party, Dead Can Dance, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Ella Fitzgerald, World music, Opera, the classics... the list goes on and constantly expands.
The Prophet-Kahlil Gibran, Hands of Light-Barbara Brennan, The Golden Ass-Apuleius, The Holy Bible, God Spoke to Me-Eileen Caddy, At the Feet of the Master-Alcyone, Dictionary of Symbols-Penguin Books.
Edgar Cayce