My Dad handed me a guitar when i was 9. he said, "this is a G", and cranked my fingers into shape. for two solid weeks, i played, Where Have All the Flowers Gone, Tom dooley and Lady Came From Baltimore. then i started writing songs. i can still remember a few.
i fronted a successful band in upstate NY for 5 yrs. i played the boston subways for a year after that and then traveled to the high Arizona desert where my friend helped me produce Clouds Today, my solo project. after producing that, i teemed up with an acrobatic-stilt-walking troupe, The Carpetbag Brigade, and wrote a soundtrack for them, which i performed live on tour for four months in summer '04. we rolled through Humboldt and i decided it was a nice place to 'land' because the music scene is good and a drummer, friend of mine, Cade, lives here.
Cade and i recently formed a two piece, The Tao Jonesers. we've been gigging around Humboldt County for a year and we're hoping to start touring regularly next fall.
you can get Clouds Today at one of my shows or at The Works in Old Town Eureka or Arcata. Clouds Today can also be found in Syracuse at Sound Garden in Armory square and at The Kind Coffee Company at 715 W. Fayette St. or online at cdbaby
check out my solo project and The Tao Jonesers at these other handy websites:
John Ludington website
The Tao Jonesers on
The Tao Jonesers on myspace