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About Me

Born in Santiago Chile, mother unknown, if you know a Veronica Castro that is 45 years old, it could be my mom. Adopted by Swedish parents to quiet little Gothenburg. Been doing film all my life and done around 50 music videos and won two Grammys for best music video. Have traveled all over the world in my work and love a good adventure. One of the four founders of the Production company Kamisol working as director, dop and editor, witch means I work a lot... Writing on two feature films and are right now spending a lot of time in New York with Kristian and the other Kamisol guys working on a couple of interesting projects. Check out our website at

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Interesting, inspiring people who can fuck my life up!


Whatever I feel like.


To many to write.


Don´t watch.


The Master and Margarita by Michael Bulgakow, The World as will and illusion by Arthur Schopenhauer, Human all to Human by Friedrich Nietzsche, 1984 by George Orwell, Kingdom of fear by Hunter S Thompson, The Myth of progress by Georg Henrik von Wright, Miss Dalloway by Virginia Wolf, Postoffice by Charles Bukowski


There is no such thing as heroes.