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see you in dreams

About Me

Born and raised in the Dominican Republic, Ezel fluctuates as the spirits of nature guide him in the persue of his own destiny. His musical journey initiates in 2001 by becoming part of funk and disco band Santo Domingo Funk Crew. With this project he got the chance to discover the eclectic sonorities of Soul, Disco, House and R&B.
When the project fall apart in 2003, he decided to persue his dream of becoming a sucessful producer and started remixing music for many of latin music hottest major artists such as calle 13, R.K.M & Ken -y and Hector "El Father", as well as contributing to the solidification of all urban genres in his natal island.
But the purely comercial viewpoint of music that he holded until that moment wasn't enough for him and he retreats from persuing a mainstream career and start experimenting more at home as well as listening to new styles of music. By experiencing the works of Yoruba Records (wich in that time he discovers but never did he imagined that he would end becoming part of it someday) and many other sources, inspiration came to his house and he start getting involved more seriously in material that very soon catched the atention of renown figures of the game as french house producer/dj Franck Roger.
This very year,Ezel's first seeds of work get unvelied, first in the form of The Hustle under Franck Roger's imprint Earthrumental, and then Afrika 2 Detroit ep under well respected label City Deep music. Both efforts where cataloged as a solid releases and the songs where charted among such talents as Dj Gregory, Franck Roger, Jay Tripwire,Dj Kellilicious and The 5 Beats Party just to name a few.
By that time he got known using his lifetime artist a.k.a wich was Babyfunk, but after a conversation with Osunlade, head of Yoruba Records, he decided to give in all that he was and started a new learning process under the guidance of the Yoruba Priest.
In little time he proved his value to the label when he was given the chance to remix the song Afrika of Gabriele Poso, alongisde the best producers that conform the label resulting in a latin/afro-cuban filled remix, showing the unique flavours of his caribbean roots that reminisce the ancestral work of such praised latin combos as Fania All Star and Buena Vista Social Club.
Future Plans for this promising talent includes a debut LP on Yoruba Records that still remains a mistery but that will surely bring along some of the most inspiring colaborations with fellow label mates as well as his most beloved freinds in the game such as rising star producer and Yoruba protrege's Boddhi Satva.
Discography :
1) Gabriele Poso - Genuine Remixes - Afrika (Ezel Remix) - Yoruba Rec. 2008Previous releases Under Babyfunk a.k.a
2) The Hustle - Earthrumental Presents - Earthrumental Rec. 2008
3) Afrika 2 Detroit Ep - City Deep Records 2008
Up and coming remixes:
Alton Miller - Together Remixes - Together (Babyfunk Spirit Mix) - Seed Recordings 2008
Boddhisatva feat. Freddy Massamba - Warriors of Afrika (Babyfunk Spirit Mix) Offering Rec/ Shelter Rec. 2008

My Interests


Member Since: 4/10/2008
Influences: Spirits
Sounds Like:

Record Label: Yoruba Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Ezel’s Mix (July)

URL: http://ezelinthemix.podomatic.comiTunes: itpc://ezelinthemix.podOmatic.com/rss2.xmlEzel's Mix (July 2008) Playlist: 1) Cooly's Hot Box - What a surprise (Frankie Feliciano Remix Remastered )2)...
Posted by Ezel on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 02:21:00 PST

Ezels Mix (June)

hi everybody. first of all i would like to encourage u all to visit my podcast webpage (http://ezelinthemix.podomatic.com) and put it your bookmarks so u can keep updated about my future stuff. Also s...
Posted by Ezel on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 01:45:00 PST

Support for Gabriele Poso’s Afrika (Ezel’s Remix)

Thanks to Franck Roger, MFSB (Indamixworlwide.com) D.R's 809k.com and Vodkacramberry for the support....
Posted by Ezel on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 04:23:00 PST