Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn profile picture

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


About Me

Alexandr Solzhenitzen, recipient of the 1970 Nobel Prize for Literature, was born in Kislovodsk, Russia into a family of Cossack intellectuals. His father was a tsarist artillery officer who died six months before his birth. His mother supported the family as a typist. He studied at Moscow State University and received his degree in mathematics from Rostov University. In 1945 he was arrested for criticizing Stalin in a correspondence to a friend. Consequently, he spent the next eight years in Soviet prisons and labour camps. He was later exiled from the Soviet Union and was not allowed to return until the fall of Communism.Solzhenitzen published his first novel, ODIN DENTVANA DENISOVICHA (ONE DAY IN THE LIFE OF IVAN DENISOVICH), when he was 44. The book gained him international recognition.CHRONOLOGY 1918 He was born in Kislovodsk, Russia. (December 11) 1939 He began correspondence courses at Moscow State University. 1940 He married Natalia Reshetovskaia. 1941 He graduated from Rostov University.; He entered the Soviet army. 1945 He was arrested for criticizing Stalin in a letter and was sent to prison. 1950 He and Natalia Reshetovskaia divorced. 1953 He was exiled from the Soviet Union for three years. 1956 He settled in Ryazan in central Russia. 1957 He married Natalia Reshetovskaia again. 1962 ODIN DENTVANA DENISOVICHA (ONE DAY IN THE LIFE OF IVAN DENISOVICH) 1963 MATRENIN DVOR (WE NEVER MAKE MISTAKES); DVA RASSKAZA; He was denied official publication of his writing. 1964 DLIA POL'ZY DELA (FOR THE GOOD OF THE CAUSE); ETTUDY I KROKHOTNYE RASSKAZY 1965 IZBRANNOE 1966 SOCHINENIIA; ZAKHAR-KALITA 1968 RAKOVYI KORPUS; V PERVOM KRUGE (THE FIST CIRCLE); RAKOVYI KORPUS I-II (CANCER WARD) 1969 OLEN' I SHALASHOVKA (THE LOVE-GIRL AND THE INNOCENT); SOBRANIE SOCHINENII; He was expelled from the Soviet Writers Union. 1970 SOLZHENITSYN: A DOCUMENTARY RECORD; He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. 1971 SIX ETUDES BY ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN; AVGUST CHETYRNADTSATOGO (THE RED WHEEL: A NARRATIVE IN DISCRETE PERIODS OF TIME); STOIRES AND PORSE POEMS BY ALEKSANDR SOLZHENITSYN 1972 A LENTEN LETTER TO PIMEN, PATRIARCH OF ALL RUSSIA; He and Natalia Reshetovskaia divorced again. 1973 SVECHA NA VETRU (CANDLE IN THE WIND); He married Dmitrievna Svetlova. 1974 LETTER TO THE SOVIET LEADERS; SOLZHENITSYN: A PICTORIAL AUTOBIOGRAPHY; AMERIKANSKIE RECHI; PRUSSKIE NOCHI (PRUSSIAN NIGHTS); He was arrested, charged with treason and exiled. 1975 FROM UNDER THE RUBBLE; THE CALF AND THE OAK; LENIN V TSIUROKHE (LENIN IN ZURICH) 1976 ARCHIPELAG GULAG, 1918-1956: OP'BIT KHUDOZHESTVENNOPO ISSLEDOVANIJA I - II (THE GULAG ARCHIPELAGO); WARNING TO THE WEST; RASSKAZY; He moved to the Cavendish, Vermont in the United States. 1978 A WORLD SPLIT APART 1980 DETENTE; THE MORTAL DANGER; EAST AND WEST 1982 TO FREE CHINA 1983 VICTORY CELEBRATIONS; PRISONERS: A TRAGEDY 1984 OCTOBER 1916 1986 MARCH 1917 1990 His Russian citizenship was restored. 1991 APRIL 1917; MALOE SOBRANIE SOCHINENII; RUSSKIE PISATELI-LAUREATY NOBELEVSKOI PREMII 1994 He returned to Russia. 1995 PO MINUTE V DEN'; EGO 1996 DVUCHASTNYE RASSKAZY; PUBLITSISTIKA V TREKH TOMAKH; KAK ZHAL' I DRUGIE RASSKAZY 1997 The Solzhenitsyn Prize for Russian writing was established. (for a biography written by the writer himself visit /solzhenitsyn-autobio.html

My Interests

May it be that repeated lessons will finally teach us not to stop the writer’s pen during his lifetime?* I am of course confident that I will fulfil my tasks as a writer in all circumstances — from my grave even more successfully and more irrefutably than in my lifetime. No one can bar the road to truth, and to advance its cause I am prepared to accept even death. But may it be that repeated lessons will finally teach us not to stop the writer’s pen during his lifetime? At no time has this ennobled our history. * Justice is conscience, not a personal conscience but the conscience of the whole of humanity. Those who clearly recognize the voice of their own conscience usually recognize also the voice of justice.* One should never direct people towards happiness, because happiness too is an idol of the market-place. One should direct them towards mutual affection. A beast gnawing at its prey can be happy too, but only human beings can feel affection for each other, and this is the highest achievement they can aspire to. * Blow the dust off the clock. Your watches are behind the times. Throw open the heavy curtains which are so dear to you — you do not even suspect that the day has already dawned outside.* It is almost always impossible to evaluate at the time events which you have already experienced, and to understand their meaning with the guidance of their effects. All the more unpredictable and surprising to us will be the course of future events.* It is not because the truth is too difficult to see that we make mistakes. It may even lie on the surface; but we make mistakes because the easiest and most comfortable course for us is to seek insight where it accords with our emotions — especially selfish ones. o "Peace and Violence" (1973)* If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart? o The Gulag Archipelago (1973)* In our country the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the State.* For us in Russia, communism is a dead dog, while, for many people in the West, it is still a living lion. * You only have power over people so long as you don’t take everything away from them. But when you’ve robbed a man of everything he’s no longer in your power — he’s free again. o Bobynin, in Ch. 17* For a country to have a great writer ... is like having another government. That’s why no régime has ever loved great writers, only minor ones. o Innokenty, in Ch. 57* We, holding Art in our hands, confidently consider ourselves to be its masters; boldly we direct it, we renew, reform and manifest it; we sell it for money, use it to please those in power; turn to it at one moment for amusement — right down to popular songs and night-clubs, and at another — grabbing the nearest weapon, cork or cudgel — for the passing needs of politics and for narrow-minded social ends. But art is not defiled by our efforts, neither does it thereby depart from its true nature, but on each occasion and in each application it gives to us a part of its secret inner light.* One artist sees himself as the creator of an independent spiritual world; he hoists onto his shoulders the task of creating this world, of peopling it and of bearing the all-embracing responsibility for it; but he crumples beneath it, for a mortal genius is not capable of bearing such a burden. Just as man in general, having declared himself the centre of existence, has not succeeded in creating a balanced spiritual system. And if misfortune overtakes him, he casts the blame upon the age-long disharmony of the world, upon the complexity of today's ruptured soul, or upon the stupidity of the public. Another artist, recognizing a higher power above, gladly works as a humble apprentice beneath God's heaven; then, however, his responsbility for everything that is written or drawn, for the souls which perceive his work, is more exacting than ever. But, in return, it is not he who has created this world, not he who directs it, there is no doubt as to its foundations; the artist has merely to be more keenly aware than others of the harmony of the world, of the beauty and ugliness of the human contribution to it, and to communicate this acutely to his fellow-men. And in misfortune, and even at the depths of existence — in destitution, in prison, in sickness — his sense of stable harmony never deserts him. But all the irrationality of art, its dazzling turns, its unpredictable discoveries, its shattering influence on human beings — they are too full of magic to be exhausted by this artist's vision of the world, by his artistic conception or by the work of his unworthy fingers.* Archeologists have not discovered stages of human existence so early that they were without art. Right back in the early morning twilights of mankind we received it from Hands which we were too slow to discern. And we were too slow to ask: FOR WHAT PURPOSE have we been given this gift? What are we to do with it? And they were mistaken, and will always be mistaken, who prophesy that art will disintegrate, that it will outlive its forms and die. It is we who shall die — art will remain. And shall we comprehend, even on the day of our destruction, all its facets and all its possibilities?'* Not everything assumes a name. Some things lead beyond words. Art inflames even a frozen, darkened soul to a high spiritual experience. Through art we are sometimes visited — dimly, briefly — by revelations such as cannot be produced by rational thinking. Like that little looking-glass from the fairy-tales: look into it and you will see — not yourself — but for one second, the Inaccessible, whither no man can ride, no man fly. And only the soul gives a groan...* A work of art bears within itself its own verification: conceptions which are devised or stretched do not stand being portrayed in images, they all come crashing down, appear sickly and pale, convince no one. But those works of art which have scooped up the truth and presented it to us as a living force — they take hold of us, compel us, and nobody ever, not even in ages to come, will appear to refute them.* From time immemorial man has been made in such a way that his vision of the world, so long as it has not been instilled under hypnosis, his motivations and scale of values, his actions and intentions are determined by his personal and group experience of life.* Mankind has become one, but not steadfastly one as communities or even nations used to be; not united through years of mutual experience, neither through possession of a single eye, affectionately called crooked, nor yet through a common native language, but, surpassing all barriers, through international broadcasting and print. An avalanche of events descends upon us — in one minute half the world hears of their splash. But the yardstick by which to measure those events and to evaluate them in accordance with the laws of unfamiliar parts of the world — this is not and cannot be conveyed via soundwaves and in newspaper columns. For these yardsticks were matured and assimilated over too many years of too specific conditions in individual countries and societies; they cannot be exchanged in mid-air. In the various parts of the world men apply their own hard-earned values to events, and they judge stubbornly, confidently, only according to their own scales of values and never according to any others.* Let us not violate the RIGHT of the artist to express exclusively his own experiences and introspections, disregarding everything that happens in the world beyond. Let us not DEMAND of the artist, but — reproach, beg, urge and entice him — that we may be allowed to do. After all, only in part does he himself develop his talent; the greater part of it is blown into him at birth as a finished product, and the gift of talent imposes responsibility on his free will. Let us assume that the artist does not OWE anybody anything: nevertheless, it is painful to see how, by retiring into his self-made worlds or the spaces of his subjective whims, he CAN surrender the real world into the hands of men who are mercenary, if not worthless, if not insane.* Our Twentieth Century has proved to be more cruel than preceding centuries, and the first fifty years have not erased all its horrors. Our world is rent asunder by those same old cave-age emotions of greed, envy, lack of control, mutual hostility which have picked up in passing respectable pseudonyms like class struggle, racial conflict, struggle of the masses, trade-union disputes. The primeval refusal to accept a compromise has been turned into a theoretical principle and is considered the virtue of orthodoxy. It demands millions of sacrifices in ceaseless civil wars, it drums into our souls that there is no such thing as unchanging, universal concepts of goodness and justice, that they are all fluctuating and inconstant. Therefore the rule — always do what's most profitable to your party. Any professional group no sooner sees a convenient opportunity to BREAK OFF A PIECE, even if it be unearned, even if it be superfluous, than it breaks it off there and then and no matter if the whole of society comes tumbling down.* Violence, less and less embarrassed by the limits imposed by centuries of lawfulness, is brazenly and victoriously striding across the whole world, unconcerned that its infertility has been demonstrated and proved many times in history. What is more, it is not simply crude power that triumphs abroad, but its exultant justification. The world is being inundated by the brazen conviction that power can do anything, justice nothing.* What then is the place and role of the writer in this cruel, dynamic, split world on the brink of its ten destructions? After all we have nothing to do with letting off rockets, we do not even push the lowliest of hand-carts, we are quite scorned by those who respect only material power. Is it not natural for us too to step back, to lose faith in the steadfastness of goodness, in the indivisibility of truth, and to just impart to the world our bitter, detached observations: how mankind has become hopelessly corrupt, how men have degenerated, and how difficult it is for the few beautiful and refined souls to live amongst them? But we have not even recourse to this flight. Anyone who has once taken up the WORD can never again evade it; a writer is not the detached judge of his compatriots and contemporaries, he is an accomplice to all the evil committed in his native land or by his countrymen.* I have understood and felt that world literature is no longer an abstract anthology, nor a generalization invented by literary historians; it is rather a certain common body and a common spirit, a living heartfelt unity reflecting the growing unity of mankind. State frontiers still turn crimson, heated by electric wire and bursts of machine fire; and various ministries of internal affairs still think that literature too is an "internal affair" falling under their jurisdiction; newspaper headlines still display: "No right to interfere in our internal affairs!" Whereas there are no INTERNAL AFFAIRS left on our crowded Earth! And mankind's sole salvation lies in everyone making everything his business; in the people of the East being vitally concerned with what is thought in the West, the people of the West vitally concerned with what goes on in the East. And literature, as one of the most sensitive, responsive instruments possessed by the human creature, has been one of the first to adopt, to assimilate, to catch hold of this feeling of a growing unity of mankind. And so I turn with confidence to the world literature of today — to hundreds of friends whom I have never met in the flesh and whom I may never see. Friends! Let us try to help if we are worth anything at all! Who from time immemorial has constituted the uniting, not the dividing, strength in your countries, lacerated by discordant parties, movements, castes and groups? There in its essence is the position of writers: expressers of their native language — the chief binding force of the nation, of the very earth its people occupy, and at best of its national spirit.* We shall be told: what can literature possibly do against the ruthless onslaught of open violence? But let us not forget that violence does not live alone and is not capable of living alone: it is necessarily interwoven with falsehood. Between them lies the most intimate, the deepest of natural bonds. Violence finds its only refuge in falsehood, falsehood its only support in violence. Any man who has once acclaimed violence as his METHOD must inexorably choose falsehood as his PRINCIPLE. At its birth violence acts openly and even with pride. But no sooner does it become strong, firmly established, than it senses the rarefaction of the air around it and it cannot continue to exist without descending into a fog of lies, clothing them in sweet talk. It does not always, not necessarily, openly throttle the throat, more often it demands from its subjects only an oath of allegiance to falsehood, only complicity in falsehood.* Writers and artists can achieve more: they can CONQUER FALSEHOOD! In the struggle with falsehood art always did win and it always does win! Openly, irrefutably for everyone! Falsehood can hold out against much in this world, but not against art. And no sooner will falsehood be dispersed than the nakedness of violence will be revealed in all its ugliness — and violence, decrepit, will fall.* Proverbs about truth are well-loved in Russian. They give steady and sometimes striking expression to the not inconsiderable harsh national experience: ONE WORD OF TRUTH SHALL OUTWEIGH THE WHOLE WORLD. And it is here, on an imaginary fantasy, a breach of the principle of the conservation of mass and energy, that I base both my own activity and my appeal to the writers of the whole world.[edit] The Oak and the Calf (1975)The Oak and the Calf (1975; translation 1980)* I was in a state of witless shock, as though flames had suddenly enwrapped and paralyzed me so that for a moment I had no mind, no memory.* I can say without affectation that I belong to the Russian convict world no less … than I do to Russian literature. I got my education there, and it will last forever.* Ivanov came to quite the same conclusion, though life supplied him with quite different material to think about. He puts it like this: many lives have a mystical sense, but not everyone reads it right; more often than not it is given to us in cryptic form, and when we fail to decipher it we despair because our lives seem meaningless… the secret of a great life is often a man’s success in deciphering the mysterious symbols vouchsafed to him, understanding them, and so learning to walk in the true path.* Call no day happy 'til it is done; call no man happy til he is dead. o Solzhenitsyn here seems to be paraphrasing Sophocles who expresses similar ideas in Oedipus Rex.

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# One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962; novel) # An Incident at Krechetovka Station (1963; novella) # Matryona's Place (1963; novella) # For the Good of the Cause (1964; novella) # The First Circle (1968; novel) # The Cancer Ward (1968; novel) # The Love-Girl and the Innocent (1969; play), aka The Prisoner and the Camp Hooker or The Tenderfoot and the Tart. # Nobel Prize delivered speech (1970)The speech was delivered to the Swedish Academy in writing and not actually given as a lecture. # August 1914 (1971). The beginning of a history of the birth of the USSR in an historical novel. The novel centers on the disastrous loss in the Battle of Tannenberg (1914) in August, 1914, and the ineptitude of the military leadership. Other works, similarly titled, follow the story: see The Red Wheel (overall title). # The Gulag Archipelago (three volumes) (1973–1978), not a memoir, but a history of the entire process of developing and administering a police state in the Soviet Union. # Prussian Nights (Finished in 1951, first published in 1974; poetry) # Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's speech at the Nobel Banquet at the City Hall in Stockholm, December 10, 1974 # Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn, A Letter to the Soviet leaders, Collins: Harvill Press (1974), ISBN 0-06-013913-7 # The Oak and the Calf (1975) # Lenin in Zürich (1976; separate publication of chapters on Lenin, none of them published before this point, from The Red Wheel. They were later incorporated into the 1984 edition of the expanded August, 1914.) # Warning to the West (1976; 5 speeches (translated to English), 3 to the Americans in 1975 and 2 to the British in 1976) # Harvard Commencement Address (1978) link # The Mortal Danger: Misconceptions about Soviet Russia and the Threat to America (1980) # Pluralists (1983; political pamphlet) # November 1916 (1983; novel) # Victory Celebration (1983) # Prisoners (1983) # Godlessness, the First Step to the Gulag. Templeton Prize Address, London, May 10 (1983) # August 1914 (1984; novel, much-expanded edition) # Rebuilding Russia (1990) # March 1917 (1990) # April 1917 # The Russian Question (1995) # Invisible Allies (1997) # Russia under Avalanche (Россия в обвале,1998; political pamphlet) Complete text in Russian # Two Hundred Years Together (2003) on Russian-Jewish relations since 1772, aroused ambiguous public response.

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Nobel Lecture in Literature 1972

Nobel  Lecture  in  Literature  1972Alexander Solzhenitsyn 1 Just as that puzzled savage who has picked up  a strange cast-up from the ocean?   something unearthed from the ...
Posted by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 02:14:00 PST