I thouroughly enjoy seperating fathers from their children and their cash, oh yeah baby it's very profitable. Each case usually represents 18 or more years of residual income and job security for myself and my staff.You see I simply use my usurped authority and gavel to extort billions. It is necessary for me to drive the disfunctional family wedge further between fathers and children since mother and child living in alleged poverty is our bread and butter. In other words we help create and ensure that the necessary evil exists to justify our own existance, i.e. we chase the daddies from the scene and/or use a multitude of well rehearsed and practiced deceptive tactics to deny or 'set aside' a father and childs rights. We razzle dazzle unwitting fathers with smoke and mirrors where everything is permissable when done 'in the best intrest of the children.'He(Fathers)are not in that best intrest as parenting time reductions would certainly mean pay cuts for me and my staff. Moreover these children who have a relationship with their fathers may prefer to live with the father instead and walk away from the system, my system, and that's a risk we just cannot take.Instead we've found encouraging, condoning, and providing free legal representation for non-compliant (whereabouts unknown) mothers who deny any and all contact to be a very valuable asset. Often we ourselves have no valid contact information on mother or child but we'll still collect and enforcement continues. This also works to our advantage as we get to keep this lost and found loot and $657,000,000 million aint nothing to sneeze at.Not only is there no money in enforcing a father/childs rights it is bad for business and contradicts our real agenda. If I could buy a plane ticket for every mother who wants to skip town or leave State to avoid a fathers contact, I would. But this would only expose us for the wolves in sheeps clothing we really are and might effect public perception.COURT IS AJOURNED
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
More paternity and welfare fraud mothers who keep business booming. Case workers with atrocious bookkeeping skills, an abilty to fudge the numbers, make documents disapear, and well versed in the art of evasive deception.
My Blog
My job is to treat every pecker packin papa with the same disrespect they deserve. I dont care who or what's right or wrong, what I care about is my job security and I aint about to take a pay cut sim... Posted by Judge Daddyhater on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 08:51:00 PST