Human rights. Decent Food. Waking up from the TV haze.
I belong to several men/fathers rights groups here's one I've created in Connecticut.
CT - Father4justice
There are issues of different types for each state, as the laws differ from state to state.
A Father's Right
Show some support, join some groups.
An honest man or woman ;-)
Classic John Mellencamp at his Best. My Great Grand parents were family farmers in Union Mills Indiana and John Mellencamp's Video expresses concern for the plight of Family Farmers and the fate of our Farms and the way of life that is being destroyed in the process. We are slowly watching America fade away as The Family Farmers become a thing of the past. This video explains the urgent need to address the fate of one of America's Greatest assets and that is the Family Farmer.I think that this video expresses this concern better than any other Music Video before or since. What do you Think?
Support Conservation Funding in the Farm Bill!
Dear Representative/Senator,
I urge you to ensure that members of the House-Senate conference committee currently working to finalize the farm bill do not cut new funding for USDA's voluntary conservation incentives programs below the $5.1 billion provided in the Senate version of the bill.
More on Petition
Why do states/courts promote divorce and rip children apart?
Ronald Smith of Children Need BOTH Parents, Inc. on the importance of children having EQUAL time, love, guidance with BOTH fit parents.
Ronald Smith on the Family Preservation Rally Washington,DC
Ronald Smith on the Family Preservation Rally Washington,DC
Divorce affects children!
I did this vidio for a college project to show how divorce can have such a big affect of children.
How divorce affects children
This is a slideshow I put together to show the affects divorce has on children. Its my first video on here so let me know what ya think
Visit Family Court Reform
Ned's Atomic Dustbin - Kill Your Television
MySpaceTV Videos: A Father Rights by A Father's Rights
Men's Movement Revealed - Sex Culture and a MissionDescribes the existing gender culture and then shows the problems that need to be addressed by changing the existing gender culture.