The importance of things can be measured by how much time we are willing to invest in them. The more time you give to something, the more you reveal its importance and value to you. If you want to know a person's priorities, just look at how they use their time. So dark the con of man. "Is the juice worth the squeeze?" "The universe tends to unfold itself as it should" "The best part of believe is the lie" (fell for that one a few times) "I can still remember, when I was just a kid, when friends were friends forever, and what you said is what you did" "I'd gladly throw you out of bed, to fuck you on the floor" "Like the roses need the rain, like the seasons need to change, like the poet needs the pain..." "This is your moment, and every single minute you get try'n hold on to it 'cuz you may never get it again, So while you're in it try to get as much shit as you can And when your run is over Just admit when it's at its end" "Freedom baby, is never having to say you're sorry." "Did you know that cigarettes are a shield against meaningful interaction with people?" "It's time for you to put your mouth where our balls are" "I never have found the perfect quote. At best I have been able to find a string of quotations which merely circle the ineffable idea I seek to express."
a sweet, wild, smart, silly, honest, fun, serious, spontaneous, inspiring, caring girl. one who knows what she wants, and cares about doing the right thing, and doesn't mind working through tough situations. i'd also like to meet elisha cuthbert, woody harrelson, will ferrell, tom brady, and a real life hitch. Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Elisha Cuthbert and Kate Beckingsale for obvious reasons...Your results:
You are Spider-Man
The Flash
Iron Man
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...
oh man, this could be a really long list, so i'll improvise some places...billy joel, biggie, aerosmith, metallica, gravesend, eminem, led zeppelin, tool, beatles, rolling stones, bon jovi, jay z, velvet revolver, smashing pumpkins, toadies, offspring, rhcp, some r.kelly (if i could turn back the hands of time... awesome fuckin song), big pun, guns n roses, nirvana, queen, old pearl jam, ozzy, a lot of frikkin 80's music (everyone has something a little weird about them), a lot of old house music, some of that modest mouse/franz ferdinand stuff, old school reggae (i fuckin love grinding...) i also love going to bars, so i enjoy any kind of bar music... if you don't know what that is, you should come out to a bar with me and find out... even if you don't like the music, i have a niche for getting people trashed... GOOD TIMES GOOD TIMES
BORAT (is niiiiiice)300.Hitch. Harold and Kumar go to white castle, dogma, carlitos way, half baked, road trip, old school, saving private ryan, goodfellas, bronx tale (never waste talent), chris farley/adam sandler movies (you underestimate my sneakiness, sir), the game (awesome mindfuck movie), as of right now, my two favorite chick movies are the girl next door (cmon, who in their right mind wouldn't want a sweet, hot porn star moving in next door?) and sliding doors (usually i hate the british accent movies, but there is some deep shit going on in that movie that interested me...)--have to add a third one... Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind... what a frikkin mindfuck of a movie... i went to sleep depressed after watching it... i like the american pie/wedding movies, LOVED the first matrix... the last two fell off a bit... the three lord of the rings, one night in paris(yummm...) breakfast club, ferris buellers day off, jay and silent bob strike back, gladiator, fight club, 200 cigarettes(i still wanna get this one on dvd), pulp fiction, both spidermans, both xmen(liked both sequels better than the original one), the Goonies (heyyyy you guyyyyys), Scrooged/groundhog day, dumb and dumber (only the original), The ladies man (very underrated in my opinion "so does this mean you DO NOT want a fish sandwhich?) Anchorman, starsky and hutch, along came polly (polly is so hot dancing that salsa/samba dance... mmm... polly...) Office space (michael bolton beating the fuck out of a fax machine is priceless) the usual suspects, 5th element, 12 monkeys, 7, devil's advocate (vanity is my favorite sin) EDDIE MURPHY DELIRIOUS AND RAW (what the fuck is a goonie goo goo?) gothika, swordfish, conair, first couple of rockys, all three terminators... if i think of anymore i'll add them...
I REALLY HATE REALITY TV. Sorry... its just so fake... if i want reality tv, i'll watch home movies... FAMILY GUY ADDICT. HEROES!!!... i love my Claire Bear...
Some Patterson, some Koontz. and yes, i have officially hopped on the da vinci code bandwagon... that might've been the best book ever whether its just a conspiracy theory or not. The other dan brown books are nuts also... except for digital fortress... The secret language of birthdays... and of course the book of urban legends...
Vince Vaughn. Will Ferrell and Chandler Bing (Joe and Joe are Heroes also. heh.)and everyone who has ever taught me anything.