sar - uh. profile picture

sar - uh.

Violent sorrow seems a modern ecstasy.

About Me

“.. I was born and I'll die, but in between is mine.”
I have addictions, I've made mistakes; I'm a lush, and I love it. In the words of Frank Sinatra, “Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.”
I'm sarah. I invest in the present; it's all we've got.
Sometimes I think big thoughts; they sometimes take a while to explain.
I don't view myself as "better" than anyone, and you sure as hell better not see yourself as "better" than me.
I hate when I wake up unable to identify any clear part of a dream that I know was there.
I hate seeing cherished faces of the past slowly deteriorate through time.
ON another note: I can't wait to get more tattoos. I don't like working, I do what I have to. I'm not sure about the future, nor do I wish to be. Shit will happen.
I'm scared of hippos, storms and turning out the light when I'm last to leave a room. I have the most amazing friends in the world, I'd kung-fu for them.
I don't enjoy artificial light, unless it's of the strobe or black variety.
Meat is disgusssttting, but I'll still eat it. Public bathrooms are also disgusting, but if you gota go, you gota go.
I hate labeling; people, are people. I hate racists, same reason. I hate freezing rain, the way I look, and nights that consist of hugging the toilet.
Call me whatever you like but I can guarantee you you will not be able to tell me anything about me that I don't already know. And if it isn't true, then why do I care?
I like;
music,partying,new things&people,the usual. I think German and English accents are the most seductive on the face of the planet.
I loveee water and wine, going to the gym, and sleep when I get it. I pick people apart, and I tend to see right through half of them. I like open-minded people. I like to get fucked up, haha. I like warm rain, sometimes cold. I love chevys. I love driving mine and listening to music too loud.
I like to argue, I want to be a lawyer; If I like you, I'll let you win.
I'm bold, logical and opinionated; I've seen too much to trust easily. I'd rather know what's going on then be blinded and backstabbed.
Religion; I'm not quite sure about all of that nonsense..
I do what I can to help, if I like you.
If I don't like you, just give me an opportunity to make it evident.
If you're one of those people with rose-coloured glasses, we won't get along.
The more you know, the less you know; the less you WANT to know.
The world is a rough place, if people aren't hurting you, you're hurting yourself.
Everyone is striving to be something, to prove something, to get somewhere.
We fight to survive, and we survive to fight. We inevitably change.. People grow together, and apart..
But maybe we'll still make it out okay.
Four A.M. two hours to go, I'm wearing out a lonely glow. I miss you more than I could know.

My Interests

favourite monologue.

SLC Punk.

The Fight: What does it mean and where does it come from? An Essay: Homosapien. A man. He is alone in the universe. A punker. Still a man. He is alone in the universe, but he connects. How? They hit each other. No clearer way to evaluate whether or not you're alive. Now. Complications. A reason to fight. Somebody different. Difference creates dispute. Dispute is a reason to fight. Now, to fight is a reason to feel pain. Life is pain. So to fight with reason is to be alive with reason. Final analysis: To fight, a reason to live. Problems and Contradictions: I am an anarchist. I believe that there should be no rules, only chaos. Fighting appears to be chaos. And when we slam in the pit a show it is. But when we fight for a reason, like rednecks, there's a system, we fight for what we stand for, chaos. Fighting is a structure, fighting is to establish power, power is government and government is not anarchy. Government is war and war is fighting. The circle goes like this: our redneck skirmishes are cheap perversions of conventional warfare. War implies extreme government because wars are fought to enforce rules or ideals, even freedom. But other people ideals forced on someone else, even if it is something like freedom, is still a rule; not anarchy. This contradiction was becoming clear to me in the fall of '85. Even as early as my first party, "Why did I love to fight?" <