Camera whore, ipod junkie, karaoke star, drunk dialer. Martinis, shaved heads, boyshort underwear, lip gloss, pink shoes, legwarmers, vegan alphabet soup, cold (not too cold) weather, traveling, falafel, Chicago, movie days, not throwing up, cursing, t-shirts, first meetings, reunions, flavored cigarettes, words, words that make me think. My off-work hobbies also include drinking, drinking, drinking, karaoke, the beach, sex, Sex on the Beach, ping pong, and ping pong on the beach.
Fat, stupid people, mostly.
My music is cooler than your music.
I like movies. Sometimes when I drink wine, I don't remember them.
Tom Robbins, Kurt Vonnegut, Dave Eggers, Jonathan Franzen, John Irving, Chuck Palahniuk, Charles Bukowski, Jeffrey Eugenides, Italo Calvino, Anais Nin, Aldous Huxley, D.H. Lawrence, Katherine Dunn.
Anyone who has ass sex on the first night. THIS CONTINUES TO APPLY!!!"I turned down the hottest sex in Orlando last night. For YOU." 01/28/2005 . Larissa: "i find it quite easy to not doing something."