SUPPORT OUR MILITARY!!!!! THEY KEEP US SAFE AND MAKE SACRIFICES WE CAN ONLY IMAGINE MY SON, MICHAEL, (READY FOR ACTION IN IRAQ)NOW, GUARDING THE GATES OF HEAVEN. I MISS YOU SON.....MICHAEL SERVED IN THE U.S. MARINE CORP AND GAVE HIS ALL! HE LOVED BEING PART OF THE MARINE CORP. HE WAS PROUD AND I AM PROUD OF HIM. NOW HE GUARDS THE GATES OF HEAVEN. MICHAEL, I MISS YOU WITH ALL MY HEART, LOVE, MOM till we meet again, Rest in peace my son... width="425" height="350" .... A TRIBUTE TO A FALLEN FRIEND - A TRUE HERO "What this Mural Holds" Color doesn't matter here and courage is something that they all have shared; For upon this mural, are memories to embrace, and it breaks my heart to have to add yet, another face. Who will sing for them now? Who will be their voice? Mothers, Fathers, and their children, a delegated choice. It will be a song of victory, and proudly they will speak; smiles will be upon their faces, as the eyes grow tired and weep. This mural may never be completed, for each day a new one comes; But, in heaven these soldiers are rejoicing for their good works are finally done.I will never be the same person I was before. Don't expect me to be. I will not "get over it" but will change with time and with healing. Learn to like the new me. Listen without giving me advice. Don't be afraid to say his name, I want to hear it. Over and over and over. If I cry when you mention him, it's not because you've made me think of him. He's all I do think about. Grief does not follow specific stages in a specific order and a specific time span. Everyone grieves differently. Remember my special dates and acknowledge them. His birthday, his death day...the day he left on the plane. Remember them forever. Be tolerant of my memory lapses, my misplaced anger, my guilt trips, and my pity parties. Allow me to be in "the pit." If I don't go there now, I will have to do it later. Reminisce with me. I need to laugh . . . and cry. If I do or say something that you don't understand, ask me about it. I will be glad to share what I am feeling with someone who really wants to know. Most importantly, never doubt that I need you. You are my lifeline. Without you to remind me, I may never realize that love is more powerful than death.REST IN PEACE, MY DEAR SON, (Arlington West),
..Guardian Angel
Add to My Profile | More Videos "MY DEAR FRIEND, ROGER, (RIP) I WILL MISS OUR CHATS MY FRIENDIn loving memory of New York Firefighter, Joey Agnello, (below)God Bless his family Rest in Peace JOEYJoeys last call over the Brooklyn Bridge to 911. A true hero!This is Billy the Kid....(below)and I am proud to say he is my freind, ------
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There is someone very special to me, and I will cherish her friendship for the rest of my life and always see her as my sons best friend and I will always thank God that she is in my life. Heather Rae, your a beautiful young lady..enjoy life for Mike, because it is what he wants for us, love ya! Heather Rae
My Heroes are God, My son, and all of our Military men and women! CORPORAL,MICHAEL JAMES HALAL, 5/19/1980~9/13/2004 RIP~ I LOVE YOU JESSA AND BABY JAMES(MY DAUGHTER AND HER SON) AND MOOSE, THE MAN OF MY DREAMS