Urban Groovz EntertainmentAll Forms of Football (NFL,Flag,Soccer,Rugby,Austrailian, Video Games)All the Liberal ArtsHalloween Mardi Gras Costumes (and the women that wear them!!!)....
Catwoman, Various Catwomen, Marvin Gaye, Bob Marley, Keith Moon, Salavor Dali, George Washington Carver, Jimi Hendrix, Leonardo DiVinci, Huey P. Long, Any of my memories from living in New Orleans for 7 years. Other Costumers.
Those that actually want to make things work in the musically industry.
Avery at age 10, 16, and 23
Urban Groovz, Rexless, DangerDoom, Gnarls Barkley, Motown, Miles Davis, John Coltraine, Cake, Portishead, Crescendo, The Postal Service, Matt Rock and the Powerboxx,The Transmission, Arbor Vitae, N.O. Wordsmyths, Joey Da 'Y', (the) Frames of Reference, Dire Wood, Brass Bedway too many more to mention..
The Blues Brothers (1980 version, BATMAN RETURNS, Batman Begins, Spiderman Series, Matirx Series, Lord of the Rings, Labrynth, Phantom of the Opera, REMEMBER THE TITANS, Friday Night Lights, GLORY ROAD, EYES WIDE SHUT, The Planet of the Apes
IM A 20 YEAR MEMBER OF THE WHO DAT NATION SAINTS 4 LYFE!!! (and yes I have been going to the Saints Games for FREE since 99 - Im a BEERMAN!!!
Angels and Demons, The Metamorphasis, THE JUNIOR ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SPORTS, Night, The Missing Mona Lisa Mystery The 10 Things That Cannot Be Said in America
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