(¯`·.¸*iAnNe*¸.·´¯) profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

i'm often mistaken as a snob but i'm really not.. i'm nice to nice, friendly, to worthy peoples... Im outgOin,fuN loviN typE of giRl whO loveS 2 gO out. I dO lovE tO hAve fuN aNd im alWays uP fOr it. I dOnt liKe 2 stAy in oNe plAce withOut nEedin to dO (it makEs mE fuCkin boRed) I dOnt waNna miSs the haPpieSt mOment of teeNage lifE anD thAt is bEin crAzy & mAkes gAgo thiNgz thAt wOuld maKe lifE cOntentEd(hahA kindA wEird) Im alSo gOal oriEnted aNd haVe thinGs i wAnt 2 dO wit mY lifE.I gO my oWn wayS aNd luK forward 2 wUt lifE haS 2 offEr mE, aNd wut i mYt givE bAck 2 it. im A shOppahOlic! I lOve shopPing..Im emotional, moody but HyPer at Times.. cReAtiVe buT soMetYmS dePrEssed.. Im God-fearINg & pAssioNate... i hAte bacKstbers,knOw-it-All waNnabes aNd peePz whO shoWs off stUff i dOnt evEn care abOut! aS foR my sPecIal soMeone..sAna..opEn-miNded, reSponSible, sWeet aNd goD feAring..soMeone whO's rEally lambiNg! aNd Oh!nO phonies,pHhleeEz!.in shOrt,I'aM the sweEtest thAng if peOple aRe niCe to mE but sOrry to sAy,i cAn bE d biggEst biYAtch if i hAve tO be. I'aM not afRaid to bE a biYAtch to soMeonE,cUz fOr wUt i knOw,i aiNt a biYAtch!em d' miSs-bitCh-tO-yoU-kiNd of wAy!!. =)

My Interests

talking, food, eating, joking around, eating, sleeping, friends, talking, people, bumming around, wasting time, talking, laughing my heart out, smiling, pictures, shopping, shoes, fashion, talking, nonsense, unbelievable stuffs, eating!!

I'd like to meet:

Old FrienDs & AcQuAinTAncEs... HaPpY peOpLe... sHOot mE an [email protected] :j


r&b particularly usher.. jazz, i like Norah jones.. Senti.. Trance.. Techno.. house music.. chillchill-out...


Passion of Christ, The Beautiful Mind, Blue Crush, The Sweetest Thing, Sweet November, Mean Girls, Along Came Polly, The Terminal, Freaky Friday...


Queer eye for the straight guy, Fifth wheel, Nip/Tuck, The simple life, The Bachelor, GGB, Lifestyle Network, Amazing Race, Sex and the City, One three hill, Smallville, Fear Factor...


CosmOpolitaN.. SeventEEn.. ChalK.. MeG.. CanDy Mag etc... i looove MaGzzz...


No ONe in PaRtiCular.. It wud onlY bE Jesus ChriSt(everyOnEs herO)..

My Blog

~* The Story of Life *~

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want ...
Posted by (¯`·.¸*iAnNe*¸.·´¯) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

why women cry......

A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him. "I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will.." Later the littl...
Posted by (¯`·.¸*iAnNe*¸.·´¯) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

If you love someone, Set her free.....

If you love someone, Set her free, If she comes back, she's yours, If she doesn't, she never was... The New Versions.... · Pessimist: If you love someone, Set her free... If she ever comes bac...
Posted by (¯`·.¸*iAnNe*¸.·´¯) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

you know you're in love with her when...

you know you're in love if you cannot stop thinking about her!!!!she's always there inside your mind like an irritating commercial (although it doesn't feel irritating..) jingle that you just can't sh...
Posted by (¯`·.¸*iAnNe*¸.·´¯) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


1. Letting go of a person you've learned and decided to love.2. Shielding your heart to love somebody.3. Trying to hide what you really feel.4. Loving a person too much.5. Controlling your feelings to...
Posted by (¯`·.¸*iAnNe*¸.·´¯) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Weren't u the one who said that u don't want me anymore?!.And how u need the space, and give the keys back to ur door...And how i cried & tried to make u stay with me...And still u said the love w...
Posted by (¯`·.¸*iAnNe*¸.·´¯) on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST