talking, food, eating, joking around, eating, sleeping, friends, talking, people, bumming around, wasting time, talking, laughing my heart out, smiling, pictures, shopping, shoes, fashion, talking, nonsense, unbelievable stuffs, eating!!
Old FrienDs & AcQuAinTAncEs... HaPpY peOpLe... sHOot mE an [email protected] :j
r&b particularly usher.. jazz, i like Norah jones.. Senti.. Trance.. Techno.. house music.. chillchill-out...
Passion of Christ, The Beautiful Mind, Blue Crush, The Sweetest Thing, Sweet November, Mean Girls, Along Came Polly, The Terminal, Freaky Friday...
Queer eye for the straight guy, Fifth wheel, Nip/Tuck, The simple life, The Bachelor, GGB, Lifestyle Network, Amazing Race, Sex and the City, One three hill, Smallville, Fear Factor...
CosmOpolitaN.. SeventEEn.. ChalK.. MeG.. CanDy Mag etc... i looove MaGzzz...
No ONe in PaRtiCular.. It wud onlY bE Jesus ChriSt(everyOnEs herO)..