Who I'd like to meet:
Basketball, Computer games, playing guitar, surfing the net,
billiards and many more...! and really like to play
Ds r my 10 fav songs, ., Hop u like 8...
1- Pinoy ako
2- Superstar remix
3- Truly, madly, deeply
4- My humps
5- Ride with me
6- Don't love you no more
7- Lightning Crashes
8- Crazy for this girl
9- No one else comes close
10- High
The Fugitive, Troy, Spiderman, Lord of the rings, Fast and
furious, and others...!
Discovery, MTV, WWE raw & smackdown, NBA, Soccer,
Billiards, Alias, Mr. Bean and others..!
I'm not so incline reading books, but i prefer to read
interesting books like magazines, newspapers, journals and, others... but of
course, religiuosly speakng i wnna read QUR'AN BooK...!
My father...!