versace_vanz profile picture


***hOpeLeSsLy RomAnTiC***

About Me

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i am a the type of person who likes people and enjoys life. i am free, unbelievable, spontaneous, outgoing, unusual, universal, crazy, real, energetic, confident, playful, fun, sexy, selective, sexual, erotic, wild, intense, sassy, athletic, unique, quirky, particular,sensual and full of energy.....easy to talk to.....soft.....cuddly......warm........loving.......i am one of those people that believes in energy and how it affects us all. i am spiritual ...... love to laugh....... am willing to try just about anything...i am very complex but easy to get along with. i hve an energy you'll find irresistable, calming, enjoyable and sweet....................................................fee l free to ask me anything you would like to know be happy to tell you! hit me up sometime..............i dont limit my friends to any specific age group......i have friends of all ages! DON'T START AN ARGUMENT WITH ME. YOU'LL NEVER WIN; Can make three loops with my tongue; Loves sports or any physical activity but also loves to eat!(P.G. itoh!);Addicted to Coke Light, Starbucks Frap, and any type of soft bread; I'll fight for/stick to anything that I believe in even if it means disputing an institution or authority....hmmm. Does anyone still want to be my friend? hehe.i love d beach sobra!!! swimming, at wlang kamatayang snorkeling! un nga lang me afraid of seaweeds!!! eeewwwww!!!! ;) adventures of island hoppin'!!! the best!!!
imm a type who wants to go out a lot, be with mah frnds, biatches and boylets... ohhh momma!!! and sobrang kulet, masayahin, maingay, minsan clown... hahaha... ;P a good friend but the worst enemy!!!! see what happned to d bitch? haha.... =P im mataray in some ways and sa mga epal... yah knw... when it comes to my man, im very maalaga, xmpre sweet,,, thoughtful... lahat na,,, coz id do anythin for him,, lol!;) love to shop!!! watch movies.. wlang kamatayang mga movies ni ashtun kutcher,brad pitt,josh hartnett,! kontra ka pa?! nyahahaha.. smokes.... marlboro ultra lights, capri, dj mixx, virginia slims... love purple stuffs & Blue, kikay thangs, pictures, pictures, pictures!!! sexy stuffs... ;) im complete but im heaven but mostly hell..
im talking gone nyahehehe....hMph! *thInKin*'s quite difficult tryin 2 talk abWt uRself wEn uR sTil seekin hu u rly r. All i kn0w abwt dis lyf 0f mine is dat i luv my family & my frens.dey r d pipol wh0m i cud nver live w/o. I h0nestly d0nt care wat pipol think of me, I'm ME! & if pipol d0nt accept me 4 hu i am & 4 all my flaws, den dat suckz =) hehe. c0z it really is better 2 be hated 4 what u r dan 2 be l0ved f0r what y0ur not. why be fake? why fr0nt?.. its bec0z fear sets in & ur mind belivs Dat U arent gUd enuff so y0u hav 2 put 0n a mask..It's d feelin of being insecure abWt urself. Evry1 has pretended 2 be sumthin they're n0t at least once in der lyf. I hav. den, why is it dat we kn0w dat feelin & yet we still spread it? Why do we judge? why do people l0ok at others & make dem fil lower?..hmMM did i menti0n dat I enj0y reading bo0ks? hehe esp. d ones dat make u think deeper & hav a l0t 0f em0ti0ns r in my takes me away int0 my 0wn world & f0rget reality..haha c0rny but truee..its lyk watchin a sunset..I l0ve listenin 2 music haha i can g0 onn & 0nn..i d0nt fav0r ne type 0f music..jaz as l0ng as it s0unds gud! it's als0 an0der way escape reality!!hmmm okkayy!! heheehe mann ..i l0ve 2 smile.. my g0sh i l0ve 2 laugh! makes u feel a l0t better. I lovee starbucks & tokyo tokyo!hmM..gettin b0red of me yet?..haha i hav a l0t of dreams in lyf..I'm hopin 1 day 2 travel evrywer! wAnna c0me?! o0kayy!!
I'm just livin' (and enjoying a heck of a lot) the COLLEGE LIFE! I guess ya can say that I'm a fun and spontaneous person- if ya ever need someone to just drop whatever they are doing to go out and have a good time, then, I'm your girl! I like to do a little bit of everything, there's nothing I won't try once!! Demure Flirt
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My Interests

cHilLin OuT w/ d bIaTchEs aNd hUnKs!!! bAr hOpPinG,HOUSE PARTY,shopping,dancing,sports,conio boys,outing,adventures, surfing net, singing,driving a cool car

I'd like to meet:

every one of us has their own ideals... so am i.. and in reality!! ideal man dont exist!! and dats so disgusting!! and it annoys me!!! waaa!!! hehehe...wel instead of describing whoever he is il be uttering a lil tots 4 him.. AHEM!! to the the person that God has prepared 4 me..I FOUND HIM....nah...not yet!!stl searchin wid dat perfect guy ... hold on to the dreams that wen we mit.. lets make it come true.. and i want u to hold on to wat ever He has preapered.. dnt wori.. even thou we r travelling a very oposite ways.. He had planned the course and it was us finally mitting halfway and continue the journey called LIFE!!! ( am i making myself clear?) hehehehe!!!It's almost like second nature for us to want something that we don't have. Sometimes we even become too focused on getting that something that we ignore the things that we already have, or the things that are just lying out in the open, waiting to be taken.
anyone who could possibly keep up with me, anyone who enjoys life as i do, anyone who isnt afraid to experience things, anyone who is willing to just go for it at times, anyone who wants a friend, companion, partner in crime lol......... anyone who wants to experience their energy as they never have b4. anyone who wants a real person who doesnt play games, whos a good friend. hell anyone who just wants to kick it and hve some fun. lol the list goes on and on.............. holla at me...... we can talk bout it!.. width="425" height="350" ..


ludacris - move bitch :: CustoMyspace
j-kwon - tipsy :: CustoMyspace


HELLBOY, shrek 1&2, Princess Diary 1&2, Honey, A Cinderella Story, What a girl wants, matilda, you got serve, the notebook, serendipity, whitechicks, hotchicks, bring it on 1&2, ocean's eleven&twelve, little giants, casper, came along polly, weaker park, baby's day out, big fat liar, lizzie mcguiere the movie, harry potter, king arthur, Little black book, sleepover, teenage drama queen, cheaper by d dozen, mean girls, heartbreaker, sinbad


amazing race, simple life, 5th wheel, blind date, CSI, Disney channel, queer eye for the straight guy, mtv, myx, trace, hbo, discovery, america's top model, MAN HUNT search for a man top model, without a trace, cold case, the apprentice, one day badtrip, punk'd, alias, kapamilya hehehe



My Blog

" HIM " i still believe in you

How did i come to this?.. i did'nt like you before.  Besides, two people who are just too different should'nt be together.  But this is the risk that em willing to take....You know what?.. u...
Posted by versace_vanz on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 12:31:00 PST

****HOT CHICK****

Posted by versace_vanz on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST