Hiro Nakamura [UP|MC] profile picture

Hiro Nakamura [UP|MC]

You see bones? I see an army...

About Me

I go to Teen Mania's Honor Academy, and am having an amazing time learning more and more about God each day! If you want to help me out and donate to my account, Go Here and type in 2231507 in the "Intern ID" section. If you do donate to me, please message me with your email address so that you can enjoy reading my monthly blogs that I send out to all of my sponsors. You can view what I have posted so far Here .

My Interests




Family Guy
Samurai 7
Samurai Champloo
Fullmetal Panic!
Fullmetal Panic! Second Raid
Fullmetal Panic! FUMOFFU
Afro Samurai


Harry Potter

My Blog

Just Around the Corner

Dear Family and Friends,As many of you know, I recently had the opportunity to go to Mongolia for the first ever youth conference, Fire in the Nations, through the Lighthouse in Mammoth. God did so...
Posted by Hiro Nakamura [UP|MC] on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 05:38:00 PST

Driving in Mongolia

So, the drivers are freaking INSANE here in Mongolia! There are "lanes"... but nobody follows the lines... everybody honks their horn at any chance they get, there are people crossing the street in t...
Posted by Hiro Nakamura [UP|MC] on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 03:55:00 PST


Hey! So, I'm sitting in the Bejing airport right now... It's normally 4 AM in California... but here, it's 7 at night. Today we went to the "Silk Street Pearl Market". The sales people in there are...
Posted by Hiro Nakamura [UP|MC] on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 04:11:00 PST


Hey! So, I'm flying off to Mongolia in less than an hour! I'm SO excited to see what God is going to do over there. I'll do my best to write a daily (or every other day) blog about what's going on!...
Posted by Hiro Nakamura [UP|MC] on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 12:50:00 PST

BattleCry, SoW, and CCM

Hello! I am now officially 6 months into the Honor Academy internship! Everything is completely insane out here. I am still on the "main" worship team, playing at least two times a week. From J...
Posted by Hiro Nakamura [UP|MC] on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 11:55:00 PST

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!Well, it..s definitely that time of year again. CHRISTMAS! It..s right around the corner! I wanted to keep all of you informed about what is happening here at Honor Academy. Things ...
Posted by Hiro Nakamura [UP|MC] on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 04:22:00 PST

Honor Academy - The Adventure Continues...

 Howdy ya'll!   Wow!  It seems like forever since I was last able to sit down and actually write.  There has been so much that has happened since the last e-mail I sent you.  ...
Posted by Hiro Nakamura [UP|MC] on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 05:53:00 PST

ESOAL - Afterword

My ESOAL experience was separated into three parts: Frustration, hopelessness, and B.A.R.  When I first started ESOAL, I couldn't stand calling my superiors by their rank, most because I had know...
Posted by Hiro Nakamura [UP|MC] on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 08:22:00 PST

Before the Emotionally Stretching Opportunity of a Lifetime

ESOAL - Emotionally Stretching Opportunity of a Lifetime. Tonight is the first night for this insane challenge.  Five days of non-stop NAVY Boot camp.  "USA, Canada, Luxembourg, Denmark..."...
Posted by Hiro Nakamura [UP|MC] on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:44:00 PST

Eternally Accountable

This was a conversation that I had with one of my really good friends.  I love him so much... This brings up a lot of good points, which is why I wanted to post it, read through it and see what y...
Posted by Hiro Nakamura [UP|MC] on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 09:14:00 PST