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protège-moi de mes désirs

About Me

lethargic, contemplative & strange
i wouldn't expect you to understand.
i write so i don't have to talk. if you really want to know something, be clever and ask it in reference to a piece of [my] literature as opposed to a piece of my heart.
understand or just simply accept the need, and the struggle to get away. or give me a waking reason...
i don't feel that i belong to any category and i refuse to be labeled,
mainly because along with labels comes judgemental expectations.
i'm somewhat of a random person and my interests can vary as far out as my thoughts travel.
i surprise even myself at times.
i can be a bit impetuous...
and yes vulnerability is a bitch!
i'm easily amused, not easily impressed.
my own thoughts entertain me to the point where i become my own favorite company.
i believe that "A hidden connection is stronger than an obvious one." and that "Rationalization may be defined as self-deception by reasoning."
i overthink a lot and my tendendy to (over)analyze if both my strength and weakness.
a lot of people may say i'm crazy. i just say, "i'm not crazy, i just have alternative interests."
"You have the awesome power of PW-ness, which beats any geeky hardware I've accumulated!" (thanks, chad!)
"throwing down the funk" is perhaps one of the best forms of therapy. (thanks, josh)
the criminally insane demonstrate some interesting behaviors and i wanted a closer look and a chance to maybe understand or dare i say connect on some levels with them. thus, I work at a forensic hospital. it definitely has its moments, both good and bad and honestly i cannot tell you how many times i hear profane outburst on any given day. seriously, i would lose count if i even tried.
there are multiple layers of confusion that embody my very being and perhaps you will never find me. however, i wouldn't invite you to come along for the ride if i thought you wouldn't have a good time. you don't have to be able to read me, much less understand me, but don't let the confusion ruin our time spent. i prefer to keep things on a playful level but dammit i still have feelings so don't be a jerk. i would do the same for you.
i tend to intergrate quotes, lyrics, and such into my colloquial speech because nothing beats the awesomeness of finding another person that knows exactly what you are quoting and chimes right in to add to the magic. "I'm only an elected official..." ;)
i'm addicted to sleep and as much as i love it, i wish i could stop.
i like ridiculous hyped things, you know the things that most would find completely ridiculous, even insignificant.
i'll begin to worry when the lil' things lose their meaning.
nothing is wrong and everything isn't always right. you wouldn't know how good it feels, if you never knew how much it hurt. (easier said then have done)
a stayte stalker
and as of current, within the now; this is my kick:
the McManus brothers,
a mystery soul, the unpredictability of what is to come, and the lack of commitment to reality

My Interests

"True thoughts are those alone which do not understand themselves." -Theodor Adorno
watching you sleep
lucid dreams
individual interpretation
nocturnal states
affective disorders
empathy and lack thereof?
the mind
the impact of music
the subconscious
psychological cycling
the will to learn
the german language
banana splits
mental illnesses
the criminally insane
rehabilitation & the inability to do so
modus operandi
serial killers
resiliency transgender
pain (in its various forms)
memory lovers

I'd like to meet:

a personal jesus, [com]passionate people with drive and motivation, open minds, someone to play in my world because children are not the only ones that need playmates, anyone that would stay up all night partaking in whatever random spontaneous things come to mind just for the sake of entertainment.
basically, i want a sidekick. late night drives come to mind, so would you like to "be my passenger?"



i guess you'll know when and if you ever meet me.
meanwhile, other things [here] are as ambivalent as they are obvious. i may surprise you as i do myself from time to time.


independent, psychological (thrillers), cult, horror, hell i love just about every category. and i especially enjoy nonlinear storytelling. i like the movies i remember my father watching as i grew up (and dammit yes, i'm still growing!) i like the silly ones i watched myself as a kid (that i think i enjoy even more so now, for whatever reason that may be)
and let us not forget the classic homemade productions as provided by a silly group of friends. (you know who you are!)
i'm rather fond of these folks: steve buscemi, willem dafoe, will ferrell, denis leary, cillian murphy, edward norton, kevin spacey, and christopher walken


i watch what amuses me and surprisingly as lame as tv has become, there is quite a bit that i still find entertaining, including commercials.
parodies, sarcasm, comedy, quick to change topic, absolutely ridiculous, over acting material, limited so called "reality," crime and law enforcement, mystery, paranormal related, science, sex (not so much porn), and those silly "of all time" countdowns; yeah i'm all over that.


i stock up on true crime/profiling books from time to time, but i enjoy just about anything with content pertaining to everything listed in my general interests.


my heroes are also for the moment at be and often everyday people like you and me. <3 they are the ones that make me smile at the end of a long day and they make me giggle even during my low points. they are the ones that inspire me to better myself. to them i turn in times of struggle and frustration. and for that i thank you. (maybe YOU were my hero for a day!)

My Blog

tight ropes and weak wrists

a distorted equilibrium and a false sense of security  this is our fixthis is our needdenial and fear mixed with greeda misconception on the surface of what it appears to bei...
Posted by PW on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 02:56:00 PST

and then it hit me

oh my god,i think i just figured it out.i am your equal.our effect.our concern.our distrust.our yearn.our denial.our guilt.our deficienciesdespite love builtevery thing we want ...
Posted by PW on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 03:35:00 PST

nothing you already didn’t know

i remember reading somewhere that the person who suffers the most is the not the one that does not get what they want but the one that does not know what they want you're only happy when you're u...
Posted by PW on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 03:52:00 PST


a melody that achesemotions thriveand passion nourished full to its contentsweat, pain, and the rush of everything within-- all derived from the sound.'s the only crave ...
Posted by PW on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 01:57:00 PST

(un)true introspect

it's true what that one guy said in his song,"her mind can be so god damn mean"--the way it goes blank when she doesn't want it toand the way it won't shut off when she really needs it toadding t...
Posted by PW on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 12:24:00 PST


it's all fictional in that moment of realizationyou wake upand you want nothing more than to go backto when it was a dreamto when it was what you believed to be truea false fixed belief.sometimes...
Posted by PW on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 08:21:00 PST

just to look at you

bored and tiredmind spent I don't feel like laughingbut I wouldn't mind it if you made me giggleI want someone to look atto study and gaze upon.I want to look into your eyesand just stare with wo...
Posted by PW on Sun, 27 Jul 2008 08:18:00 PST

gagging thoughts

confused. [weak] gag.choke.and vomit. a mind that plays tricks,piecing together coincidental nothings?  or maybe it is true?maybe it's just the paranoia?at least feed me some lie to pa...
Posted by PW on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 02:11:00 PST

back in the ring

a definite expectation of monday morning's read will be a summary reportof how awful the weekend went with the following items addressed:hallucinations, delusions, substances, self-abuse, al...
Posted by PW on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 02:03:00 PST

uncertainty to be certain of

and then there are those days when i want to ask, "do you miss me or not?"i might seem distant. i might be sick.but on those days i do miss you. some nights i wish you were here to coll...
Posted by PW on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 02:36:00 PST