Baroness Juicezilla profile picture

Baroness Juicezilla

Don't cry to me! If you loved me... you' would be HERE with me!

About Me

I am the Goddess of my world...
The baby Jesus sent me here to show you bitches how it is!
Okay, so... his name WAS Jesus... but, I met him behind a dumpster in Chinatown. *shrug*
Wait... What? This was supposed to be ABOUT Me? ... fuck.
Okay, I'm an artsy eccentric weirdo. You'll probably ADORE me... at first. But, when you do something to piss me off... and, I call your ass on it... you'll probably join the "Juicy is a CUNT" club.
I'm equal parts glam-phony and up-your-ass honest... with a bitch chaser... shaken, not stirred.
I have high amounts of integrity. I don't back-down in a battle. I expect a lot from the people I love... and even more from myself.
I have an extreme passion for the morbid and obscene... and I love love love MAKEUP! From the ultra glamorous to gory special effects, makeup paints my world. Honestly... I'm just a double-vagina wielding drag queen!
I'm here [on Myspace, not Earth] to make new friends and network. Lately I've been devoting most of my time to my art and bettering my photography skills.
Recently, I had a piece of art ripped off and slapped on a tshirt... so, excuse me if I come of as a jaded bitch because of it. You don't know what being violated feels like until some bitch puts their logo on your soul.
Although I love beautiful women and am a giant lesbo... I'm not really seeking a girlfriend or sexual relationship! I'm honestly VERY afraid of women at this point... as my heart gets smashed easily by insensitive people I fall in love with. Most of my friends are guys, because of this fact... and, if you imply I'm fucking ANY of them... I'll pretend you and I have never met.
I tend to intimidate people with my stature. You must understand... my photos don't show off what a HUGE fucking girl I am! I'm 6' tall
(and love to wear 4" heels on a regular basis) so I tend to tower over the littler folk. I am both insanely muscular AND fat.
My point is... YES, I can pick you up and throw you across the goddamn bar... but, I'm not going to... so let it GO! Pffft.
I'm not your average "Hot Topic" freak of the week. I don't follow some code... or hang out with a specific crowd! I like being somewhat label-less and bathe in those gray areas of living.
"Nothing is good nor bad, but thinking makes it so." - Shakespeare

I'm - Narcissistic, sarcastic, witty, outgoing, silly, weird, a bit sadistic and often VERY lame.
I like it when you laugh at me, with me.
I take things more and less seriously than it seems... and I am an ABSOLUTE DRAMA MAGNET!
(if you're reading this far... you'll probably become a source of it at some point)
If you read my blog... understand that it isn't FOR you, asshat! I use it to share my photography and work through my own personal bullshit.
My passions are obvious and run deep... and I love finding other people who share my interests. I especially like it when I can sit around with someone and not say much at all... but, still have an awesome time (no, I don't mean NAKED, either).

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

*** People who won't fuck with me
** Fans of art, who support artists and their art
* People I've loved and lost along the way...


You Are Rain
You can be warm and sexy. Or cold and unwelcoming.
Either way, you slowly bring out the beauty around you.

You are best known for: your touch

Your dominant state: changing What Type of Weather Are You?

My Blog

I made the PEE PEE happen!

There is a new toilet in my apartment! .... and it's hooked up to something, too!  NO MORE MESSY CHAMBER POTS (poor tourists).  ... it has a magical suction function that allows it to steal ...
Posted by Baroness Juicezilla on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 01:03:00 PST

Another [not so] lazy weekend blog...

Sometimes... I wish... my armpits smelled like well seasoned french fries.  They should really make a deodorant that makes you smell like grease and salt!  ...  I'm sitting here trying ...
Posted by Baroness Juicezilla on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 01:54:00 PST

Electra - Urban Saint / Sinner [art]

Posted by Baroness Juicezilla on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 05:38:00 PST

Chloe's 3rd birthday! [photos]

I missed Chloe's 3rd birthday ... it was on May 15th.  This isn't a date I randomly chose for her... I got her birth record when I got her from the pound.   I was out of state, so, I've...
Posted by Baroness Juicezilla on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 02:57:00 PST


This mysterious fellow was outside of my apartment building last night... After getting in the car with Lisa, I used her camera to snap a quick shot of him walking down the street.  Dave and I we...
Posted by Baroness Juicezilla on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 11:01:00 PST

Yesterday was a pretty freakin' cool day...

My "Shadow Angel" blog is #21 in the most popular Art and Photography blogs. Pretty cool! ...Saw THIS guy as I came out of my apartment last night (to meet Lisa down in the parking lot)... VERY cool. ...
Posted by Baroness Juicezilla on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 10:38:00 PST

Shadow Angel... [art]

Posted by Baroness Juicezilla on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 04:39:00 PST

Photography news... and, Brenna Pin-up style... [photos]

Just in case no one has been paying attention to my friends list (or the copyrights down in the bottom of the shots I've been posting lately) we've added a new name to our photography in an attempt to...
Posted by Baroness Juicezilla on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 02:59:00 PST

Crazy Cat Lady Blog! [Shaving my skanky pussy] [Monkey is odd]

So, it's about THAT time of year again... where Chloe just gets so hot and uncomfortable that she sleeps all the time and acts depressed... while letting off pounds of cat hair and dander whenever we ...
Posted by Baroness Juicezilla on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 04:10:00 PST

Belated Birthday / Retail Therapy [aka FAVORITE SHOES EVER]

I had a fucking JOYGASM today when I went to pick-up the shoes I ordered two weeks ago (a birthday gift from the Davey).  Dave even got me some orange sparkle nail polish to match!I was sad that ...
Posted by Baroness Juicezilla on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 12:21:00 PST