weather. photographs. plants and animals. writing. laughing. music. dreams. beautiful places. badminton. astrology. storytelling. bonsai. kissing. warm skin. good art. nice clothes. a clean house. a hearty feast. friends and family.
animal collective. beach house. palisades. papercuts. lazarus. erik satie. brigitte fontaine. sergio mendes and brasil '66. incredible string band. love. harmonia. vashti bunyan. bob marley. ravi shankar. shuggie otis. the beatles.
vintage martian sci-fi. indie existential films. the occasional rom-com. and magical fantasy-adventures.
ugly betty. big love. project runway. the twilight zone. dr. who (tom baker). southpark. dog shows.
anything by anais nin, ee cummings, and pablo neruda. the future of life by eo wilson. his dark materials by pullman. the people of paper by plascencia. the essential gandhi. why we can't wait by martin luther king jr. walden and civil disobedience by thoreau. harry potter 1-7.
comedian george carle, leaders of nonviolent social movements, nature conservationists, and loving parents.