Anti-Hero (n): In fiction, a protagonist who is lacking the traditional heroic attributes and qualities, and instead possesses character traits that are antithetical to heroism.
There. We have that out of the way.
I'm a native Staten Islander. You probably didn't notice. That's because I spent four years in a deprogramming camp located somewhere in the Hudson Valley area.
I spent about six years living outside the Island, and now I'm back. Unfortunately.
I'm pretty awesome. I'm not sure if I mentioned that previously. I have a cadre of character traits that make zero to negative sense, a train of thought that has been off the rails for years, and I can fit in to almost any group/situation....from hardcore geeks to the notorious "Staten Island Guys". Not that I particularly want to fit into either one....but it's a skill that comes in handy.
One important thing about me: I Am A Podcaster. I am one of the hosts of The Anti-Semantic Show at You might think I'm an asshole by listening to my show...and you'd probably be somewhat right. But I'm using this as the vehicle to take me to Internet Asshole Stardom and the eventual advent of my being able to make money by being a prick and telling everyone in the world why my opinion is more right than theirs.
Other than the aforementioned information, I don't care enough to have a friggin essay here. If you're really interested, hit me up on AIM at TheTwiliteKid0. Or, if you're one of the more technologically savvy kids out there, you can call me on Skype at theanti-hero, though most likely my computer isn't on because it sounds like a horde of crickets when it's active.You should also check out my podcast that I mentioned before at and our MySpace, which can be found over in my Top Friends. It's pretty hilarious.
Spiral by Fainaru
January 29, 2008Lorem ipsum sed dui vitae. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque malesuada ornare eros. Cras justo ligula, gravida vitae, pretium at, malesuada sit amet, odio. Curabitur vel ante vitae quam dapibus molestie. Sed pharetra consequat mi. Donec enim massa, faucibus sit amet, dictum eu, rutrum ut, augue. Fusce nibh nisl, tempus sit amet, congue eu, pharetra eget, augue. Aenean blandit auctor lorem. Aliquam augue est, aliquam in, tincidunt et, malesuada eget, nibh. Curabitur suscipit, justo eget adipiscing adipiscing, metus ligula molestie diam, at dapibus metus metus et turpis. Nulla ac mi sit amet sapien pretium bibendum.
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