Emilio Sparks Diesel profile picture

Emilio Sparks Diesel

The Broke Celebrity

About Me

Click Above To get information about my radio show. Its rather entertaining www.MySpace.com/DegoShow

A lover of life... dreamer, bona fide Geek, tends to wear my heart on my sleeve. But at times the Heineken has my sleeves rolled up. Trying to be as free as the spirits of those who left... Inspired by the the little things life throws at us. Supporter of the intelligent and creative. Never looking back or too far in front of me the present is a gift and I just wanna BE... Rza said it best. "From one single idea, everything appeared here. Understanding this makes my truth crystal clear." This about me only scrapes the surface there is much more to explore... EXPLORE!... YA Digg !!!

My Interests

Random Female: Where were you last night?

Humphrey Bogart: That's so long ago; I don't remember.

Random Female: Will I see you tonight?

Humphrey Bogart: I never make plans that far ahead.

I'd like to meet:

My Grandfather Vincent, Tupac Shakur, & YOU.


I enjoy anything with a beat that can intrigue an individual. All genres of music. As a disc jockey and radio personality, I have a solid knowledge of all types of music. This enables me to embrace different things that the normal individual wouldn't normally enjoy. Hip Hop & Urban formats are my inner passion. I am an Underground Hip Hop enthusiast. Embrace the four elements. Music is the soundtrack to our lives.

Listen Live (Click Link):

Videos (Click Link):

The Degocast (Click Link):


I enjoy too many to name...


I enjoy "Nick @ Nite," "Viva La Bam," "Family Guy," and many more...


Read! Knowledge is the key!


My father, Alan Alda, & King Sallasie. Oh yea, Please believe! The Coalition is in the building!

My Blog

Thin Line

So I wrote a letter a few weeks back just to get shit off my chest thinking to send or not to send. I was cleaning out my word files and came across the letter so fuck it imma post this bitch. At the ...
Posted by Emilio Sparks Diesel on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 03:52:00 PST

why are drunk nights remembered more than Sober ones

So for the last few weeks I haven’t had a drink. I gave up drinking for lent. I’m not a hardcore church fanatic or an alcoholic. Without sounding like a goddamn AA meeting, I decided to gi...
Posted by Emilio Sparks Diesel on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 02:53:00 PST

My Career Thus far

Here is the poop on this blog. its really not a blog it was the about me on my page. i wanted to chnge my page so instead of losing the world forever i thought fuck it ill make it a blog so i can kee...
Posted by Emilio Sparks Diesel on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 07:46:00 PST

In she came with the same type game

    I always dream about her the day after I see her. I think most of that has to do with having a few beers when were in each other's company. My sleep is always broken the night after...
Posted by Emilio Sparks Diesel on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 04:03:00 PST

Do Work

    DO WORK ! I have lost count of how many times I have said that saying. I never really understood why or what I was saying. I thought it was funny to say because the reality TV show ...
Posted by Emilio Sparks Diesel on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 09:00:00 PST

Defining Relationship Commitment for Today's Couples

Defining Relationship Commitment for Today's Couples WHAT IS COMMITMENT?The question of when a relationship is committed ...
Posted by Emilio Sparks Diesel on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 08:26:00 PST

5:59 and all is right with the world

So the "about me" on this bottomless pit of narcissism that we call Myspace doesn't really have anything about me. At first I thought this was cool to be mysterious so that people would be intrigued, ...
Posted by Emilio Sparks Diesel on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 03:12:00 PST

My life my hair and a Hair cut PT DOS

so I cut my hair , I know it doesn't sound like a big deal but it was. In the pervious "blog" quick side note ( I never "blog" unless I use it as a clever promotion tool for my Hip hop and musical ...
Posted by Emilio Sparks Diesel on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 01:41:00 PST

My life my hair and a hair cut

i found this on line and thought it was DEEP (and yes the caps mean im serious) i am not my hair and my hair is not me...but my hair is an extention of me the purpose of my hair is a personal one, a j...
Posted by Emilio Sparks Diesel on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 12:13:00 PST

I am featured in this month's issue of Blues & Souls magazine

READ DJ EMILIO SPARKS & THE COALITION NETWORK'S FEATURE IN THIS MONTH'S ISSUE OF BLUES & SOUL Check out DJ Emilio Sparks & The Coalition Network's feature in this month's issure of Blues & Soul magaz...
Posted by Emilio Sparks Diesel on Tue, 16 May 2006 04:41:00 PST