Off the candy bowl cocktails, yummy tapas, formidable beer and wine selections, Portuguese beer, wine and snacks, super groovy dj's spinning the best shit period, purdy outdoor patio, groovy blown-up wallpaper designs painted in gold on walls, bricks, california walnut, outdoor wheelchair ramps made right, bouganvillea, afternoon drinking, after work drinking, evening drinking, nighttime drinking. And drinking.
People who enjoy going to bars in Emeryville.
Sundays - Kyle M. - Garageland (indie, rock, hip-hop, pop)........ Mondays - Dj Relay -The Deep End (soul, jazz, latin + more)........ Tuesdays - Christopher Crossfader and Joe Franko - Latin!........ Wednesdays - Dj Kitty - Supersound (formerly Ruby Wednesday) soul, butter funk........ Thursdays - Joe Quixx - Dust (funk, disco, salsa, soul, rock, psych, dub, reggaeton, jazz)....... Fridays - Matthew Africa - 10 Fingers of Def (the best shit ever)........ Saturdays - Therese - Transit (music to get you and your booty where you need to go)
Any movies that are about bars in Emeryville.
That episode of "Bay Area Backroads" that features "kitty's" bar on it.
"Wine for Dummies", "How to Open Up Your Very Own Bar in Three Years or Less"
People who own bars and are still normal.