kitty's in emeryville profile picture

kitty's in emeryville


About Me

I am a bar in Emeryville. A bar you should drink at, hang out at, lounge at, mack at, eat at, shake it know. Come visit us when we open in (hopefully) November. And check out the website (still under construction) at

My Interests

Off the candy bowl cocktails, yummy tapas, formidable beer and wine selections, Portuguese beer, wine and snacks, super groovy dj's spinning the best shit period, purdy outdoor patio, groovy blown-up wallpaper designs painted in gold on walls, bricks, california walnut, outdoor wheelchair ramps made right, bouganvillea, afternoon drinking, after work drinking, evening drinking, nighttime drinking. And drinking.

I'd like to meet:

People who enjoy going to bars in Emeryville.


Sundays - Kyle M. - Garageland (indie, rock, hip-hop, pop)........ Mondays - Dj Relay -The Deep End (soul, jazz, latin + more)........ Tuesdays - Christopher Crossfader and Joe Franko - Latin!........ Wednesdays - Dj Kitty - Supersound (formerly Ruby Wednesday) soul, butter funk........ Thursdays - Joe Quixx - Dust (funk, disco, salsa, soul, rock, psych, dub, reggaeton, jazz)....... Fridays - Matthew Africa - 10 Fingers of Def (the best shit ever)........ Saturdays - Therese - Transit (music to get you and your booty where you need to go)


Any movies that are about bars in Emeryville.


That episode of "Bay Area Backroads" that features "kitty's" bar on it.


"Wine for Dummies", "How to Open Up Your Very Own Bar in Three Years or Less"


People who own bars and are still normal.

My Blog

please don't call the health dep't telling them we keep cats at the bar

....because we don't. some nice customers gave the bar (as a gift) a mechanical cat. it's fluffy and white, motion activated; it even meows! someone saw this fake cat, thought it was a real cat, and c...
Posted by kitty's in emeryville on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 07:53:00 PST

Do you know how to tip?

I don't think some people do. I got a $2 tip on a $48 round yesterday!!!! Nothing was wrong with the service (I asked)...this person was just clueless. Because some of our customers are not so saavy i...
Posted by kitty's in emeryville on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 11:10:00 PST


Hey...I know that everybody and their mother is doing cocaine these days. If you must, then fine, do drugs....JUST DON'T DO DRUGS IN MY BAR!!!!!! If we see a gang of people going into the bathroom tog...
Posted by kitty's in emeryville on Fri, 27 Jan 2006 02:00:00 PST


The time has finally come. After nearly two years of planning, and after eight months of construction (it felt longer than 8 months, didn't it) my lil bar in Emeryville is finally opening. The outd...
Posted by kitty's in emeryville on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 10:44:00 PST


The other day I was looking at this site and I saw the way I typed in Emeryville and I thought to myself, shit is it spelled Emeryville or Emereyville, cuz if it's spelled Emereyville, well shit, I've...
Posted by kitty's in emeryville on Tue, 06 Dec 2005 01:52:00 PST

When is the bar going to open?

Yeah, bet you want to know, huh? THERE IS NO OFFICIAL OPENING DATE YET. Sucks, fo sure. I wish I had an opening date, cuz if I did, then I could tell you when it is opening and then we would all know ...
Posted by kitty's in emeryville on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 01:24:00 PST