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Langer lebender der basset Jagdhund!!!

About Me

.. width="425" height="350" ....THIS FREAK MAKES BILL CLINTON LOOK LIKE AN ALTAR BOY AND RICHARD M NIXON AN ARCH BISHOP AFTER ALLEGATIONSAmerica... just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable. I am a starving artist yet i am full (a full stomach has little worth when the mind is starved), My thoughts are morbidly obese, fat lard ass notions 2 miles wide that get stuck in mid air until they are exploited by a mental talkshow host. Im a complex human iceberg with enough cranial energy to melt the polar ice caps, so a contradiction in a sense yet i work part time as a matador of metaphors. I believe that the lords of Karma watch our every move, and it is my most sincere belief that those that use this site for the wrong reasons will almost always attract the wrong kind of crowd. Thats why I use Hydro-courtesan, its an ointment preventative to allay the thousands of ingrown whores from knocking on your door..... This is Myspace, the final frontier where intergalactic internet addicts come together to get their fix and shit conversational bricks like it was a new concept. I dont believe in stress and believe life should be lived as easily and smoothly as possible, stress is like opening a dirty diaper and tossing it up in the air until it sticks on the ceiling.....yes that is stress and nobody needs that. I am an athletic, aesthetic and humorous person with an electrically eclectic ambition towards life. I am a golden needle nesting in a haystack hiding from the storms of the pompous and preternatural world that has infected most of todays civilization. I am also an astronaut,aquanaut and juggernaut and consider myself a self proclaimed expert at juggling orangutans. I also have a huge heart which is partially composed of coal,i live to see the person that can make it yeild diamonds.That might sound cheesy, and if so you can stick that metaphor between 2 slices of bread. I would like to one day visit Spain and eat an entire can of pineapples while harlequins throw roses and rabbits in my general direction. AND SURGEON GENERALS WARNING: I have an extremely dry sense of humor, smoothe as the desert sand but as arid as the Sahara. I have a boundless imagination that stretches off into the farthest realms of creativity, always in operation and always generating new ideas. So if you cant relate then abate this screed and collect your rebate at the ticket counter...........

My Interests

Jumping into a barrel full of monkees and rolling down a ravine, tailoring potato sacks, singing old british sea ballads, baking salad, cabbage stacking, collecting laser guided crabs & heat seeking gerbils, yet i also love long walks along the beach. Otherwise when im not tumbling down a jagged gulch i enjoy live music, abhor live musak, the outdoors is my playground and backpacking is my escape and at this point is the last escape for anyone before the last few tranqually feral hotspots are all raped by spineless republicans with exoskeletons. Good movies are worth savoring, and drooling over a pint of heiniken during a pool games alright as well but i dont advocate this without parental supervision and a pair a 3D glasses. I enjoy meeting new people, real veritable and incredible people because fuck if i have the time to seek them out. I have sacrificed sleep to the goddess of fatigue to buy time for this, and thanks to this im able to impliment things like building a bedside diving board and scuba diving in my bath tub while i scrub a dub rub. Alright thats all a trifle farfetched, im interested in anything with the right company...ive bungee jumped but havent skydived. Id love to take a hot air balloon ride through the rockies or being shot out a cannon with a bassethound. But if theres anyone out there down for traversing to Denali to climb Mckinley feel free to hit me up because Alaska is calling my name again. The Mockery of Baseball, no one goes their entire career without ever hitting 50 homers and suddenly hits 73 and claims that they didnt know the cream their trainer was smearing on their bodies was anabolic. The epitome of Baseball, Say Hey and the Hammer.

I'd like to meet:

Mark twain or Hunter S thompson, but since necromancy is a farfetched notion and Cleo the immitation Jamaican who was arraigned on immigration charges and running one of the most abhorrent psychic friends network since Latoya Jackson gave her nose to Michael was put away...Ill just stick with what I know. I want a connection,actually i want a watermelon and a tea party with several Aardvarks in Asbury park but that will have to wait until i finish excavating a diamond mine in my backyard. Because theres too much bipolarity going on to match such a faint frequency. I guess messenger pigeons or a flare gun would be useful in this situation. I want to meet a genuine personality without that cancerous facade of bullshit that should have been dumped back in highschool. I want to be able to have an intellectually fabulous confabulation without having it onesided....theres a wilderness of morons out there so copious that if stupidity were an element, moron would be placed on the periodic table next to boron. Im tired of wasting my hard earned dollars on innertubes to keep myself from drowning in a sea of sess. I just want to settle down and chain myself to a pipe in the basement during a full moon and fondle myself to Jesus, is that too much to ask? The bible belt covers just as much territory as tornado alley. Ive never met a tornado that i didnt like and you can quote me on that."Talking about politics is like dancing about architecture as primary grace is to the poise of bulldozer" ~AHDL --IF THIS IS YOU, THEN YOU MAY BE MORE INJURED THAN YOU THINK. If you are 19 years old or older and exhibit symptoms of high school egotism and believe that Carrie Bradshaw is a real person and find yourself in front of your mirror with a camera phone and making Brad Pitt and Angolina collages from their collection of Teenbop magazines then you should be publicly tarred and feathered.


Chino XL,Ras Kass, Crooked I, Canibus, Big L, KRS 1,Pharoah Monch,Organized Konfusion, Royce the 5'9 ,2pac, Keith Murray, Talib Kweli,Q tip, Tribe called Quest, Bone thugz, Aesop Rock, Aasim,Finesse,methodman, Mos def,MC Juice, Naughty by Nature, old ice cube,old DMX,Rahzel,Outkast,Gang starr,Guru,Big daddy kane, dela soul, old Eric B and Rakim,Das efx, WUtang,Sly Boogie, EPMD,Saafir, BIG,Jurassic 5, 4th avenue jones, Dirty Burdy, Heltah Skeltah, Eyedea,apathy,planet asia,esoteric,Sean Price, MC Rockness,Fredro, Boot Camp Clik, old Jay Z, eminem,redman,ONYX,Stick Fingaz,Mary J, Erica, Misfits,Black Crowes,clash, dead milkmen,minor threat, a perfect circle,soundgarden/audioslave/chris cornell,NIN, TOOL,black flag,alice in chains/mad season,Slayer, Pantera(vulgar display and far beyond driven)machine head, Primus,Buzzoven, Korn(1st album) NO FX, bad religion, Rancid, Dead kennedys, Kool and the gang, Tsol, Acid bath, biohazard,subhumans, rage against the machine 1st cd,Nirvana, Beck,Johnny cash,Vandals (live fast diarrhea), old carcass,pearl jam, Blind Melon, Rolling stones,Chili peppers,sex pistols beck,Doors, Led Zeppelin,War,Alice cooper,Hendrix,Bob Dylan, Black Sabbath, Ted Nugent, Steve Miller Band, Lynnard, billy holliday,Ella,bing,Lena,Harry connick jr,Rat Pack,frank sinatra and listening to the blaring octaves of the dishwasher....all in all 2pac and Sinatra are the shitAnd let it be known, Brandy and I and anyone else are in the throes of assembling the first Pots and pans band which will inevitably sweep the nation with our alchemic clamor that has been compared to the grace and candor of a train wreck on several occaisions. This of coarse is an unprecedented move very reminiscent of the Assassination of Bobby Kennedy and the sudden death of Mr Hooper on Sesame Street. The name of our band would be Pearl Jam but apparently thats taken, and Kitchen Caucophany would be viable if i could thats still open as well as three positions: we need someone who is experienced with the Base crockery, a harp and a plate percussionist. Stay tuned for our Mp3s and upcoming tour......Let me just explain something, Brandit Dammit is going to revolutionize Tupperware parties and tip the evolutionary scale in comedic music laced with lambent tangents of video buzz clips and Darth Vader overtones. Perhaps you hath seen my helmet? But you know nothing of the farce until youve seen him beatboxin to hardcore hip hop and rappelling down a mountain of pancakes.


Basquiat, Spiderman, Valley Girl, Corpsebride, History of Violence (great one), Collateral, Goonies, Explorers, snatch,gremlins, Napoleon Dynamite, Fear and loathing, the shining, PULP FICTION, good fellas, hotshots,matrix, young guns, Lost boys,scarface, MAry poppins,Gummo,Kids,spaceballz,point break, my cousin vinny,white men cant jump, event horizon,easy rider,coo coos nest,fight club, Requiem for a dream, breakfast club,Weird Science,Back to the future, Indiana Jones trilogy, Anything Monty Python...the Holy grail IS the holy grail,nightmare on elm street, neverending story, pirates of the carribean,as good as it gets, somethings gotta give,Amelie, Clerks, Mallrats, old horror flicks,ferris buelers day off,Juice, Dazed and confused,Valley girl, fast times at ridgemont high, sixteen candles,Sin city, Batman(1st one)labrynthe,Silverado,Heathers,Donnie Brasco,Clockwork Orange,Adventures of Baron Von Munchausen, trainspotting, starwars (old ones), Collateral....... PASSION OF THE CHRIST (must be seen wearing 3D glasses)I WILL WRITE AND PRODUCE GHOSTBUSTERS 3


HOWS IT TASTE MUTHAFUCKA!!!.. width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" .... ..
Get this video and more at Family Guy, SNL, House, Prison Break, Scrubs (when i can remember its on) comedy central and CNN when accessible. Otherwise I enjoy watching rich people wallowing in their own slurry worrying about the kind of tripe that causes mature individuals to wipe their asses with sand paper and brush their teethe with a toilet brush. And I am even more fascinated about how yuppies get their accents, because somewhere along the way there was a period of time where a viscous southern accent would lie and embed itself nesting on their vocal chords always reprimanding them should they exceed 3 syllables. These people get Rigamortis in the prime of their life, and suddenly one day they decide to start talking like they were raped by an Audrey Hepburn movie and Paris Hilton is their role model. Carrying around toy poodles in their purse if only because it matches their outfit and attending debutante balls where they would dance with their third husbands whose balls are clinging by a metrosexual thread of indecency. These are the Beverly Hillbillies, a psuedo-rustically-atavistic penal colony designed to emulate and vacillate the western mentality that the true character of a person is gauged upon their yearly wages and gouged into their head so deep that if you toss a penny into their ear an echo will not be heard for five minutes. This will be the ultimate expose for National Geographic. And eventually we will be able to erect signs that splay "DO NOT FEED THE POMPOUS" and there will be red zones enforced during their mating season when they go into heat. Lifes a constant reality show, embrace the tragedy and create a travesty. If it werent for morons, WE would never be successful.


Bible according to twain, The joy of chicken breast, i married an osterich eunic, SPAM, Bowling for Colons, Grandma why are you ironing your underwear?, Sponge Granny Squareass.As far as real books: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Cobb, Capone, Edgar Allen Poe collection, STill life with woodpecker, rebel for the hell of it, hells angels, Outlaw American poetry, the shining, the mind at work, Dali


Id have to say Salvador Dali,Tupac Shakur (yup 2pac), Hunter S Thompson, Mark Twain and Edgar Allen Poe. These people are the DNA to whom I am today. Oh yeah and this horse, it will one day be mine.