The GAP is CRAP! profile picture

The GAP is CRAP!

Food, folks, and phlegm...

About Me

About a year and a half ago this MADCITYACTION page was started to spread information about, and resist corporate culture in, Madison WI. We chose McDonald's (specifically the McDonald's across from the UW campus) because of it's location, it's lack of a drive through, and because McDonald's is a well known corporate criminal. Literature was distributed. The Imokalee workers came to protest with a student group and much networking took place. Now that McDonald's on Lake Street has shut down. But that was never the whole goal. The goal was to take a stand in Madison and drive out the disgusting corporate culture taking over the downtown State Street area. That battle will now continue at the sweatshop storefront in the center of the state street Mall. The GAP uses child sweatshop labor to produce it's bland fashions and the family which operates it also is responsible for massive deforestation of old growth in the western United States. So again, as with the McDonald's campaign, we are not focusing on just one issue. We are showing how the corrupt corporate culture has many tentacles harming many different segments of society. And we are not saying the GAP is the worst corporate criminal either. The point is that the GAP is centrally located on state street, popular with the masses who lack any sort of fashion sense, and guilty of gross misconduct towards humanity and the enviroment. Gather information and help spread the word. If we can close down the GAP we will have struck another blow and we may start to really chase corporate culture from Madison -- while setting an example for activists elsewhere!The following was for the original campaign... but it is still relevant and we'll keep it here for a while, we need new list for the GAP.TOP TEN REASONS TO PROTEST McDONALDS10) Eating at Mcdonald's can make you fat and lead to an early grave.9) Underpaid McDonald's employees are overworked and mistreated.8) The McDonald's corporation takes money out of the local community by means of franchise fees.7) McDonald's serves Coca-Cola which is another international corporate criminal.6) The vapid and incessant advertising campaign specifically targets children thereby promoting an unhealthy diet at an early and impressionable age.5) "Happy Meal" toys are made by children in viatnamese sweatshops.4) Industrial animal abuse and slaughter.3) As part of the beef industry McDonald's plays a major role in deforestation of the amazonian rainforest.2) Eating at McDonald's after knowing their corporate habits reveals either your stupidity or disregard for human decency.1) Shutting down a single restaurant in your community would set an example about what can done to other corporations and their "culture".

My Interests

Putting destructive corporations out of business.

I'd like to meet:

A variety of activists who would like to unite for various reasons to shut down McDonalds (and now other corporate storefronts like the GAP. Check out this link to the Madison Indymedia message board for more details: McDonald's Siege Protest -- CALL TO ACTION --11/25/05
Click to join madcityaction Activists can get more information by clicking the link above.


Supersize Me! & McLibel: Two Worlds Collide


Fast Food Nation & Diet for a New America


Helen Steel & Dave Morris

My Blog

We closed the McDonald's across form campus!!! Now what?!

Now we close the State Street GAP.  It's as simple as that.
Posted by The GAP is CRAP! on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 01:14:00 PST

McDonald's Siege Protest -- CALL TO ACTION! 11/25/05

The "golden arches" represent many things that are wrong with corporate America. From the insidious advertising that preys on children to sweatshop manufactured "happy meal" toys, from the connection ...
Posted by The GAP is CRAP! on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 03:54:00 PST

McDonald's Corporate Chronology

Timeline 12 Dec 1948 In Los Angeles, Richard and Maurice McDonald open their first hamburger stand, featuring the "Speedee Service System." 2 Mar 1955 Ray Kroc founds "McDonald's Systems Inc." It ...
Posted by The GAP is CRAP! on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 03:50:00 PST

Fines & Litigation (a little disturbing)

Lawsuits, fines 1990 McDonald's files suit against five members of London Greenpeace over a leaflet they produced in 1986, entitled What's Wrong With McDonald's? The fast food giant drops charges ag...
Posted by The GAP is CRAP! on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 03:48:00 PST

The Golden Arches are the Gateway to Hell

18 Jul 1984 James Oliver Huberty opens fire at a San Ysidro McDonald's, leaving 20 dead and 16 wounded. He held off police for an hour, sometimes taking time to finish off victims already wounded. A ...
Posted by The GAP is CRAP! on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 03:45:00 PST