STALKER KITTY!!!being cute, eating, sleeping, playing, standing up, sitting in the window, scratching furniture, clawing on hard surfaces, chewing on hands, jumping on things, drinking water out of the leaky sink, being chased by invisible persuers, playing with that crazy feather thingy, chasing the cursor around on the computer screen, stepping on the keyboard, trying to eat your food, chewing up expensive things (like Daddy's Wolverine statue), knocking things over, breaking things (like Daddy's Darth Vader statue), eating things that are not edible (like Mommy's Jack Skellington statue), being where I don't belong, following Mommy around, driving Mommy crazy, getting into trouble, tearing shit up, wreaking havok, being bad, and going CRAZY!
Anyone who will feed me or play with me. I love food and attention.
I don't know what you are talking about.
I like to look at that thing that Mommy and Daddy call the "T.V." sometimes.
I haven't eaten those yet...
Mommy and Daddy are my heroes when they decide to feed me.