Mutyumu is a band in Japan. Our music is the one that classics and the ambient were united with minimal, the heavy metal, and alternative by an original balance. The music is very beautiful, and fantastic ,and that have violent like a ferocious beast at time.
Media in Japan are evaluated outstanding ability of our music high, and they express it "Healing music of the hell" at time. Many musicians are evaluating them high. Bands named Melt-Banana and Maher Shalal Hash Baz write the comment that recommends their CD. Moreover, they are bands of a new generation who pulls Independent music scean of Japan since boredoms, with afrirampo, osiri-penpens, and nisennen-mondai.
Moreover, the music that can be auditioned at myspace is music from our first album. Our first album is sold 15$, whitch includes 12 songs.
Our album takes 1st place with the college chart in Japan(Tokyo, West and Central part).
If you want to buy our CD, please give the message to the mail, [email protected] .
If you want to send other message ,please give the message to the myspace mail.
?official Japanese site ?
?demo sample (Japanese) ?