i have been working late hours. in fact, i'm working late hours as we speak. but i wanted to post a link to a two-part interview by aleksandar krumov, an amazingly cool maus fan from bulgaria. check it out and say hello to alex here:
maus interview at the leftfield
early may saw the release of "mr. tasty sandwiches"; a free 16-track compilation album of outtakes and remixes. you can download it from the mr. tasty sandwiches microsite
my latest full-length album, 'overwinning' is available at URLAUTEN:
maus - overwinning
you can also grab 2005's 'recogniser' for free at drift records:
maus - recogniser
there is a new album in the works for 2007 as well as a particularly ambitious project that i REALLY hope to make a reality, and there's really no reason not to. more on that soon, but make sure your home theatres are HD-ready!
love, maus
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