Soulseek profile picture


About Me

I'm your friends. I'm the cute one you can't wait to meet irl. I'm the troll you hate. I'm your music. I'm your files. I'm the one who keeps banning you from downloading. I'm the secret room for you and your buddies. I'm where you met your true love. I'm the way you share the new song you just wrote. I'm your userlist. I'm your alter ego. I'm you.

My Interests

Filesharing, handling client requests, banning for thirty minutes... you know, the usual.


Whatever you've got.
I like to say that I don't do the pop thing, that I'm strictly "underground", but we all know how that ends up.


Anything you've got to share.


See above.


Pretty much anything in PDF or TXT. E-books ftw! I like audiobooks too sometimes.


Napster, IRC.