DRUNKFACE profile picture



About Me

I'm a 31 frikkin' year old, city dwelling, SAAB fixing, beer drinking Irishman. I play bass for Philly-based mongoloids UNDERCAST. I try to stay in shape by working out a few times a week, and studying Muay Thai. I think I have a sense of humor. I am a very easy going person, but I can't stand bullshit and stupidity.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Music, Mixed Martial Arts, Graffitti, Classic cars, XBox, Beer, Snowboarding, and now that I'm 30 something, I can admit to playing golf....

I'd like to meet:

Jaco Pastorious, Les Claypool, Max Cavelera, Mike Muir, Anthony Soprano, Meadow Soprano, Hunter S.Thompson, Peter Boyle (RIP... Awesome Dr Gonzo!!!!) Hannibal Lecter.... Bobby not stoned, The Buzzsaw at a reasonable volume and NOT taking a mental health day to play xbox, Santone with a phone that he would actually answer.... And of course- Your mom!


Metal, Old school hip-hop, Jazz, motown, old rock and roll, and newer underground metal. Support Local music!! DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, NOOSPHERE, FROM THE ASHES,SURGEON, SHOVELHOOK,JEALOUSY CURVE, PETE TRAMO, UNDERCAST!! Give a listen~


Dazed and Confused, Boondock Saints, Fight Club, Snatch, Monty Python films, Godfather trilogy, Scarface, King of NY, Deer Hunter, Where the Buffalo Roam, Fear and Loathing in L.V., Big Lebowski, Comedy from the 80's..

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !


SOPRANOS!! That 70's show, any UFC or MMA event, Horsepower TV, Eagles(who cares)and Flyers games, Simpsons, Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force! Adult Swim.. CSI Vegas....


Mostly magazines- Tatoos, cars, music, porn, etc. When I have the patience for a book, I don't have the patience to read it.


Anyone who served or is serving in the military.. Also my Parents & Grandparents!

My Blog


too yong, too soon!  Not even halfway through 2008, and have lost too many awesome people.  Been to 5 so far. Sarcastically I think "when will this shit stop?"  But I also know it won't...
Posted by DRUNKFACE on Sat, 10 May 2008 12:44:00 PST

Original music

We play show, after show,  hoping we'll get noticed.....   I'm not an ass kisser, but Jaxon needs a new home!  Thank you to the Grape for harboring the bullshit!  GOOD TIMES!!...
Posted by DRUNKFACE on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 12:12:00 PST