PC video games. Movies and books. Sports, Poker. Mad Libs. Solo strip poker. That way I always win.
Only funny or normal people need apply. Or a cute funny chick with huge cans. I'm not picky.
Classical Rock with some alternative thrown in. Anything with Tim Finn or A Perfect Circle. Beethoven and Bach. Jazz with Miles Davis or Wynton Marsalis. Also only the original lineup of Menudo.
Gangster movies, War movies, Alien movies, Documentaires and historical epics. Movies about gladiators. Swedish porn.
Deadwood, Sopranos, Simpsons, Family Guy, Daily Show, Cobert Report. All major sports except for the NBA which has turned into the WWE of pro sports. I'm waiting for someone to drop a folding chair on an opponent one of these days.
Too many to mention but lets says sport biographies and on the making of movies. I'm reading some historical boooks on Roosevelt and Hamilton. Playboy for the interviews.
The man who invented the remote control. Cmon, it had to have been a man that invented it. Also the discoverer of the G-Spot.