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ξ Κ Ç ξ

♠ Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul; the blueprints

About Me

Rules for Being Human

Rule ..1: You will learn lessons

Rule ..2: There are no mistakes-only lessons.

Rule ..3: A lesson is repeated until it is learned.

Rule ..4: If you don't learn the easy lessons, they get harder.
(Pain is one way the universe gets your attention.)

Rule ..5: You'll know you've learned a lesson when your actions change.

My Interests

Art, Music, Nature, Camping, Fire, Coffee,
My computer, dancing,My Kids, My friends,
bon fires, sculpting, natural disasters,
PETA, animal rights, Yoga, health & wellness,
women's rights, self empowerment, positive
affirmations, hiking,Proud to be one of the
founding members of "Team Elite", we FUCKIN' ROCK!
, Burning Flipside, helping people to start a business,
travel, fire, coffee, Neuroscience, McFarlane toys,
kissing for hours, kisses of doom, hugs,healing,animals,reading,
smiling, sleeping,brushing my teeth,
plants, sunrises, sunsets, shiny things,boots,
kissing baby bellies,happy people,floods,storms,
water. Large bodies of water to jump in.
Jumping off cliffs in water is good, White
water rafting is good too, did I mention fire?
Art? Coffee? lots of it and of course...
..STUFF & Things :)

You are the Moon card. Entering the Moon we enter
the intuitive and psychic realms. This is the
stuff dreams are made on. And like dreams the
imagery we find here may inspire us or torment
us. Understanding the moon requires looking
within. Our own bodily rhythms are echoed in
this luminary that circles the earth every
month and reflects the sun in its progress.
Listening to those rhythms may produce visions
and lead you towards insight. The Moon is a
force that has legends attached to it. It
carries with it both romance and insanity.
Moonlight reveals itself as an illusion and it
is only those willing to work with the force of
dreams that are able to withstand this
reflective light. Image from: Stevee Postman.

Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla ............................................................ ............................................................ ..........................................

I'd like to meet:

Lost friends would be wonderful

as for new friends.....

Creative intelligent fire-loving interesting
people with a strong passion for living life to
it's fullest. People who love music, art, nature,
dancing, horror, stuff, things, kids, etc. People
who are actively pursuing ways to achieve their dreams
in life. Not so much people who are just sitting around
watching life pass them by...optimism is a wonderful
quality to have....People who can appreciate a large
amount of sarcasm, without being offended. People
smarter than and with much more life experience than
me, that I can learn from. People on a never-ending
quest to acquire more knowledge.

The Wall of Death

(because if
you bumped it hard enough, that stuff was going
to fall down and hurt people)

This is some of the Artwork a few of us had displayed
at Star Seeds awhile back. Thank you to Maredith
and Frank for hanging it all for us! :) The big clock
thing and swirly painting to the upper left of
it is mine. The one below my clock is Stephs.
The others displayed are done by various super
awesome people in our burner community :)

~ WARNING ~Please note that there was a serious defect in manufacturing and I seem to be completely incapable of arriving just about anywhere on time...I have a combined total of 15 clocks & watches in my home, yet never manage to have a single one of them (aside from the computer) set correctly...If this is a characteristic that you find particularly bothersome, it would be in your best interest to not talk to me, because more than likely I will annoy the living hell out of you at some point in time...

The only bands I will add are...

♦ bands I actually know members of
♦ bands I have seen live and liked the show
♦ bands I really really really like and will search out and add myself

If you do not fit the above criteria please don't try to add me because you waste my time when I have to go to your profile, block you and deny your request......
Same thing goes for Film Sites.


Music next to art has been my life for so many years.
It would be impossible to list it all and I'd more
than likely leave off forgotten favorites that have
had the greatest impact on me....so just a few that
come to mind are TOOL, Ani Difranco, PJ Harvey,
Skinny Puppy, Ministry, Sisters of Mercy, Korn,
Garbage,Cocteau Twins, Portishead,Bjork, Nine Inch Nails,
Pigface, White Zombie & Rob Zombie, Lords of Acid,
Deftones, Rage Against the Machine, Alice in Chains, Mad Season,
Beck, Offspring, Placebo, Nirvana, Meg Lee Chin, Ruby,
Primal Scream, My Bloody Valentine, Covenant, Jakalope,
Cranes, Chris & Cosey, Helmet,Sex Pistols, New Order, Marilyn Manson,
Misfits, KMFDM, Ugly Mustard, MDFMK, Ohgr, Damage Manual,
Primus, Legendary Pink Dots, Janes Addiction,
Dead Can Dance, Concrete Blonde, Thrill Kill Kult,
Ethyl Meatplow, Alien Sex Fiend, Helios Creed,
Assemblage 23 , Siouxsie and the Banshees,Massive Attack,Icon of Coil,
The Azoic, Love and Rockets, Daniel Ash, Mazzy Star,
Revolting Cocks,Screeching Weasels,Poison Idea,
Stromkern,Ramones,The Cure,Meat Beat Manifesto,
The Birthday Massacre, Depeche Mode, This Morn' Omina,
RX, Sarah Mclachlan, David Bowie, Front 242,
Icon of Coil, Prodigy, Crass, Ministry, Gwar, Bauhaus,
the Vandals, NOFX, Violent Femmes, The Beetles, Recoil,
VNV Nation, The Velvet Underground, Pink Floyd, 808 State,
Consolidated, snog, Led Zeppelin, The Cult, Dresden Dolls,
Aphex Twin, Mindless Self Indulgence, Stray Cats,
Simon and Garfunkle, They Might Be Giants, Julie Cruise,
Beastie Boys, REM, lots of punk stuff that I can't
remember the names of, just about anything classical
and so much other stuff. I love music, I will never
hear or know enough. Of course there is a lot
I didn't list... I love new music with life to it.
It's good to feel sometimes and music gives me that...
music seems to be the only thing that gives me that


Too many to list....Dorky Star Wars fan,
I even liked the new ones...sort of look at
thing differently now though since I'm seeing them
through the eyes of small children, Loved all the Aliens movies,
Very big on Zombie flicks, True Romance,
Hellraiser ,The Matrix was cool, Trainspotting,
Disney movies, City of the Lost Children, Magnolia,
Requiem for a Dream, Lord of the Rings, Dark Crystal,
House of 1000 Corpses, Devils Rejects...
Just about anything by David Lynch or Quentin Tarantino.
So many others too. This list would go on forever and ever
and ever and ever...........


is mind numbing crap...turn it off


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla


So many to list here. In the past I was very
into books on religion, the occult and vampires
and witches. But as I grow older and
grow more as a person my tastes seem to be shifting
dramatically. Psychology, Biology and the development
of the brain have been very fascinating to me. Books
on geology. With the many stones I've worked with in
the past with designing jewelry it helped to know
what I was working with. :) A recent favorite author
of mine is John C. Maxwell...although most
of his work has a slightly religious touch to it,
which I generally try to avoid, his writing
is amazing and excellent for personal
growth. Books on leadership and self development.
Think and Grow rich by Napoleon Hill.
Kind of goes along with my fascination of the
human mind and greatly improves my ability to lead my team
and expand my business. Lately I've been
reading from a set of children's encyclopedias & science
books every night. It's been very interesting and we
should be on the adult version within a year. It so
rocks having kids that are old enough to listen to lengthy
reads and have intelligent conversations on the material :)
What Kind of Soul Are You?
You Are a Hunter Soul
You are driven and ambitious - totally self motiviated to succeed Actively working to acheive what you want, you are skillful in many areas. You are a natural predator with strong instincts ... and more than a little demanding. You are creative, energetic, and an extremely powerful force.An outdoors person, you like animals and relate to them better than people. You tend to have an explosive personality, but also a good sense of humor. People sometimes see you as arrogant or a know it all. You tend to be a bit of a loner, though you hate to be alone.Souls you are most compatible with: Seeker Soul and Peacemaker Soul


Myself....I've been through alot and still thrive.
It's good to be me :)

Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com

My Blog

random rambles of random randomness....

will all be posted in my private profile..found here http://www.myspace.com/67560577 (if you aren't a friend on there and want to be you'll have to add me because the add friend option on that profile...
Posted by ξ Κ Ç ξ on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 02:50:00 PST

Your Habits Will Determine Your Future

Browsing through notes tonight looking for material for a newsletter to send my team, I stumbled across this. I love this  :) I forget which book it came from though....but it does remind me that...
Posted by ξ Κ Ç ξ on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 11:39:00 PST

Lesson On Dissection

Posted by ξ Κ Ç ξ on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 03:32:00 PST

Meet Your Meat

Posted by ξ Κ Ç ξ on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 02:06:00 PST