I'm your average fun-loving, sci-fi, anime, 80's-cartoon/comic book enthusist...
As is my wife! Hi honey!
But those influences are all part of what my imagination draws from when I'm designing for my clients.
And we all have fun in the process!
The video below is of my son.
2 year, 1 month old JJ knows the 7 continents, 9 planets, 7 days of the week, 12 months and 4 seasons of the year, 7 colors of the rainbow, 26 letters of the alphabet, numbers up to 100 and how to spell various words.
With me being a person who loves to dance, I tend to gravitate toward anything groovy, funky or jazzy with a little upbeat, swingbeat or breakbeat to it.
Almost anything with robots, lasers, spaceships, aliens, sword-fighting, magic, martial arts, high-speed chases and big laughs.
Almost anything with robots, lasers, spaceships, aliens, sword-fighting, magic, martial arts, high-speed chases and big laughs.
Almost anything with robots, lasers, spaceships, aliens, sword-fighting, magic, martial arts, high-speed chases and big laughs.
Anyone who fights for justice or saves lives by utilizing robots, lasers, spaceships, aliens, sword-fighting, magic, martial arts, high-speed chases and big laughs!