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About Me

.. WHY first took shape in 1995 in Winnipeg Manitoba, when Brian Cook(vocalist) chose to see his musical ideas take form. Quickly rounding up some of the best players the local scene had to offer, their first album"THE NAKED SOUL",and it with 2002's "THE RISE AND FALL OF THE QUESTION MARK" which drew fans and critics alike to their energy fueled live shows.As years passed and other commitments took hold, Brian continued to write and began to dedicate time to Make Poverty History. First introduced to the idea by heroes Bono (U2) and Bob Geldof (LIVE AID,LIVE 8,Boomtown Rats), Cook felt the need to use his music to raise awareness to the staggering true fact that a child dies due to extreme poverty every 3 seconds.Now WHY find themselves re-invented with a new, powerful lineup. To bring both fans and critics back to attention, WHY recorded "The Lazarus Effect"(a medical term for the turn around that AIDS victims have when put on AIDS meds), which finds the band at their best, also serves as a fitting allegory to the fate of the band. Rising from what once was and starting over again, Cook and company are poised to make an impressive and stirring comeback."LAZARUS EFFECT", which has already received air play in major markets across Canada, were also given out before U2 concerts in Ottawa and Montreal available at the Make Poverty History and on line at CDBABY.COM (www.cdbaby.com) A portion of the proceeds from the album went directly to the charity and the album's artwork featured heartbreaking photographs all supplied by Make Poverty History. The album itself featured newly remixed and or re-recorded tracks, the new single as well as a video recorded for the track, Keep My Peace. The album also offers links to the Make Poverty History websites as well as an interview Cook did with Shaw TV.With their new album "RED" coming, lineup and songwriting in hand WHY continue to raise awareness for both themselves as well as Make Poverty History. The band are in post production for a new full length WHY CD "RED". The single(and title track) for WHY's forthcoming full length album "RED" is now being serviced to radio worldwide. "RED" sat a # 1 on the KICK FM Winnipeg TOP 40 for 4 weeks in a row, and was named SONG OF THE YEAR. Now the B-side on the "RED" single "THE SURFACE" has started to chart hitting #1 on KICK FM and #5 on THE Q FM in Victoria BC. FREE download of "RED" by WHY are now available at www.whytheband.com and on WHY's MYSPACE
WHY "LAZARUS EFFECT" is NOW available at CD PLUS stores and online at CDBABY.COM . "LAZARUS EFFECT" contains 10 songs (including an acoustic version of WHY's anthem against extreme poverty "KEEP MY PEACE" and the single "LAZARUS EFFECT").The CD is also ehanced with CDROM features (Music video,interview and weblinks to MAKEPOVERTY HISTORY sites so you can sign the petition in support of Making "STUPID" Poverty History. The CD is in support of MAKE POVERTY HISTORY (www.makepovertyhistory.ca www.makepovertyhistory.org). A CHILD DIES EVERY 3 SECONDS DUE TO EXTREME POVERTY. The "RED" single featuring the #1 singles "RED" and "THE SURFACE" from WHY's forthcoming full length CD "RED" is available at all CDPLUS stores with all profits from the CD single going to THE GLOBAL FUND to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. www.theglobalfund.com_______________________________________ _________________________WHY's new FULL LENGTH album "RED" is coming 2007. Stay close to MYSPACE and check for the NEW whytheband.com (coming soon!)
****WHY's single "RED" sat at #1 for 4 weeks straight on KICK FM's TOP 40 COUNTDOWN.****
****WHY's single "RED" was just named SONG OF THE YEAR on KICK FM's (The Top 92.9 Songs of 2006 On KICK-FM).****
Go to www.kick.fm and request "RED" or "THE SURFACE" .
Visit THE Q FM in Victoria and request "THE SURFACE"
Request "THE SURFACE" at THE GOAT in Lloydminster Aberta
Requst "RED" or "THE SURFACE" on THE VERGE on XM Satellite Radio
AWF Video

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Member Since: 10/25/2005
Band Website: whytheband.com
Band Members: Brian Cook:Vocals Derek James:Drums Stephan Makarewicz:Guitar Greg Barre:Bassist
Influences:Check out WHY's interview on U2.com's sister fansite INTERFERENCE.COM Brian Cook(singer) talks about the band's on going comittment to MAKE POVERTY HISTORY, the ONE campaign and THE GLOBAL FUND through the song "RED". Go to www.interference.com
WHY "RED" the first single from their forthcoming album goes to ..1 on Winnipeg TOP 40 countdown "THE KICK TOP 40". www.kick.fm
RADIO STATIONS PLAYING WHY,...Click and request the NEW single "RED".
The following radio stations have "RED" now.If one of these stations is in your area call them and request RED.
101.7 FNX Boston
Mix 96 Montreal
102.1 The Edge Toronto
98.1 CHFI Toronto
99.1 Hits St. Johns
K-Rock 97.3 Edmonton
CKZZ Z95.3 Vancouver
KMTT FM The Mountain Seattle
105.5 Kiss fm Ottawa
100.3 the Q Victoria BC
FREQ 107 Winnipeg MB
92.9 KICK FM Winnipeg MB
POWER 97 FM Winnipeg MB
Q 94 FM Winnipeg MB
HOT 103 FM Winnipeg MB
CLEAR FM Winnipeg MB
Everybody can start requesting RED if one of these stations is in your city or e-mail them here
http://fnxradio.com/1/home.asp FNX Boston
http://www.themix.com/ Mix 96 Montreal
http://www.edge102.com/station/sp_player_faq.cfm - for The Edge / 102.1 FM in Toronto
http://www.chfi.com/ CHFI Toronto
http://www.991hitsfm.com/index.asp?CP=BBAR_1 99.1 Hits FM in St Johns, NL .... the link for the webstream is on the right and is sort of maroon colored, but here's the web address: mms://
http://www.k-rock973.com/index.asp?CP=BBAR_1 K-Rock 97.3 Edmonton
http://www.z95.com/ CKZZ in Vancouver
http://www.kmtt.com/home.asp - for KMTT in Seattle
http://www.1053kissfm.com/index2.jsp KISS FM Ottawa
OTTAWA FEELS THE "LAZARUS EFFECT". 93.9 BOB FM in OTTAWA featured WHY "LAZARUS EFFECT" on "SHOULD BOB BOTHER" a call in new music feature where listeners vote if a new song should be added in to rotation for airplay.According to the on air announcer the song recieved "95% of caller support" to add WHY "LAZARUS EFFECT" into rotation.

The single can be requested on line or by phone at (613)750-4BOB (613)750-4262 or online at www.939bobfm.com Also Ottawa rock station THE BEAR 106.9 FM has WHY "LAZARUS EFFECT" in featured play.Request LAZARUS EFFECT by phone: Studio line for requests & contests: (613) 750-1069 Toll-free: 1-800-754-1069 or online at www.thebear.fm CHOM fm in Montreal also has featured WHY on "MADE IN CANADA".Host Tootall did a 30minute profile on WHY and the songs of "LAZARUS EFFECT".Request by phone: (514) 790-0977 or online at www.chom.com/content/content_information/request.asp

George Stroumboulopoulos Of CBC Newsworld's "THE HOUR" talked with Brian Thusday Dec 1st WORLD AIDS DAY on FREQ 107 radio in Winnipeg to discuss the issue of HIV/AIDS and extreme poverty around the world. Go to Http://www.whytheband.com to listen .....
Sounds Like: Listen and Tell us !! WHY SUPPORTS MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY.CA A simple White Band is the symbol of the Make Poverty History campaign. http://www.makepovertyhistory.ca And the [RED] campaign www.joinred.com(RED) Manifesto

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Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

WHY "take over" Radio station on WORLD AIDS DAY *UPDATE*

WHY "take over" Radio station on WORLD AIDS DAY *UPDATE*  ****************************************************UPDATE:* ***************************************************"WHY makes KICK FM see (RE...
Posted by WHY on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 08:59:00 PST

WHY featured on world's most popular U2 fansite.

WHY have been featured on the world's biggest and most popular U2 fansite INTERFERENCE.COM www.interference.comCheck the interview with WHY singer Brian Cook.
Posted by WHY on Tue, 12 Sep 2006 11:09:00 PST


Winnipeg's WHY release "RED"From forthcoming Album "RED". WHY are in the studio finishing up their next full length CD "RED". A portion of the album sales, (as were the sales of 2005's LAZARUS EFFECT)...
Posted by WHY on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 01:00:00 PST

Radio Stations Playing Why "LAZARUS EFFECT"

Posted by WHY on Sat, 28 Jan 2006 11:51:00 PST

Kenya Mission Concert

WHY will play at SHANNON'S IRISH PUB on FEB 11th 2006 for the KENYA MISSION CONCERT to help with the AIDS pandemic in Africa.WHY will be playing the Kenya Mission Concert Feb.11th at "Shannon's Irish ...
Posted by WHY on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 06:03:00 PST


WHY "LAZARUS EFFECT" is NOW available at CD PLUS stores and online at CDBABY.COM . "LAZARUS EFFECT" contains 10 songs (including an acoustic version of WHY's anthem against extreme poverty "KEEP MY PE...
Posted by WHY on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 12:54:00 PST

A Early Christmas gift from WHY

The boys just finished a cover of a tradition Christmas carol written in 1867 "I HEARD THE BELLS ON CHRISTMAS DAY" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. It has been covered in the past by Johnny Cash and Fra...
Posted by WHY on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 12:53:00 PST