Lloyd Zeffler profile picture

Lloyd Zeffler

E non so più pregare. E nell'amore non so più sperare. E quell'amore non so più aspettare.

About Me

Lloyd Zeffler is getting better everyday. You better grab hold now then in a few years you can tell all your friends, "I was there in the beginning, I knew them before they sold out." The influence of the Zeffler faithful is spreading like a wildfire. A little spark today, but before you know it---hellfire and brimstone!
We are hard at work to share quality music and a sense of community. There are plenty of places to check out in the Lloyd Zeffler galaxy. We would love some feedback on your travels.
Think of us as a mutual musical appreciation society. All you have to do is love music. Even if your passion for music is not as deep, you can still hang out, grab a t-shirt, share your thoughts. Like to read? We do too. Like photography? Hey, us too!
Lloyd Zeffler is all about that feeling you get when you first heard music. That first song or album that blew your mind and changed your life. That's one of life's greatest moments.
Check out our pics for a little sample of Lloyd Zeffler products or some LIVE! Rob Zombie pics. We hope to get more opportunities to photograph some rock shows (hint,hint) Go to www.lloydzeffler.blogspot.com for daily updates, hackneyed music journalism and randomness. There is plenty more to come!/h2

My Interests

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Show some love by grabbing a t-shirt at www.lloydzeffler.com

Excerpts from recent Zeffler approved articles

Why do you love music? "...because when it is good it tastes like birthday cake." - Joel Kosche, Collective SoulA Quiet Weekend Rant "Ronnie James Dio did not invent the horns so your 13 year old sister could show her appreciation for mom's peach cobbler."Bob Dylan Says... "I like Bob Dylan because you never really know what the heck he is talking about."Tainted Faith preps "Amazing" new Record "We want to make music that makes people go 'wow, those guys are touching on something real.' Not 'wow, I sure can dance to that.' Rock and Roll Guitar Junkie "I heard somewhere that it would put hair on my chest." Interview with We are the Fury "The most common misconception about us is that we are pretentious jerks who hate all new bands. Ok, there is a bit of truth to that." This Week in Review "E non so più pregare E nell'amore non so più sperare E quell'amore non so più aspettare." Why I Love Willie and Waylon "She would pull the cash out and Waylon would slap it on the table then pinch his wife’s butt."

My Blog

Interviews with the Iron Maidens

Interviews with the members of "The World's Only Female Tribute to Iron Maiden". The Iron Maidens: Interview with Guitarist Sara Marsh The Iron Maidens: Interview with Drummer Linda McDonald The Ir...
Posted by Lloyd Zeffler on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 08:58:00 PST

Favorite Songs - Yours and Mine

New to Lloyd Zeffler is a weekly feature where we will highlight our favorite songs.You can be included. We don't want to limit this to any specific kind of music. A great song is simply a great song....
Posted by Lloyd Zeffler on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 10:10:00 PST

antiMusic is not for sale

Friday, Sept. 14, 2007, antiMusic reports:We felt the need to address an important issue to us here at antiMusic. There are a small number of publications, labels and PR firms out there that engage in...
Posted by Lloyd Zeffler on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:55:00 PST

SOUNDCHECK Contributing Writer

Slap my face and call me Susan. Over the weekend I was offered an opportunity to be a contributing writer for Soundcheck magazine. They are an Austin, Texas music magazine. Very indie. They don't pay ...
Posted by Lloyd Zeffler on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 07:50:00 PST

Why I Love Willie and Waylon

Click on the pic to check out "Why I Love Willie and Waylon" over at the Lloyd Zeffler blog. ...
Posted by Lloyd Zeffler on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 08:39:00 PST

Lloyd Zeffler Contributors

To keep this Lloyd Zeffler thing about community and enjoying music. I have reached out to a few potential contributors. Everyone, so far, has been very excited to share their favorite musicians and ...
Posted by Lloyd Zeffler on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 09:40:00 PST

Rock and Roll guitar Junkie

The guitar is the cornerstone of rock and roll. A band without a guitar is just a barbershop quartet. The advent of electric guitar in rock and roll goes all the way back to Chuck Berry and travels th...
Posted by Lloyd Zeffler on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 07:44:00 PST

Interview with We Are The Fury

New interview published with the Toledo, OH, rock band We are the Fury. Check it out at Interview with We are the Fury. I reviewed their album Venus a few months back and thought it was a great rec...
Posted by Lloyd Zeffler on Thu, 23 Aug 2007 08:09:00 PST

New Friday Feature

Come on over to the Lloyd Zeffler blog on Fridays. We'll be sharing 10 things we love about a specific musician or artist.Today's big hug goes to Johnny Cash. The Man in Black is in constant rotation ...
Posted by Lloyd Zeffler on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 11:02:00 PST

Why do you love music?

I recently posted an article at www.lloydzeffler.blogspot.com where I asked a few musicians and some music fans one question. Why do you love music. I was very pleased to have a few of my favorite mus...
Posted by Lloyd Zeffler on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:16:00 PST