Analog Girl In A Digital World profile picture

Analog Girl In A Digital World

God Is Gangsta, Nigga...

About Me

My Name is Tamika. I am a lover, I am a fighter, I am a sinner and an occasional saint. I don't take shit but I give it when necessary and talking it is a daily routine. Anything else you want to know, feel free to ask. I'll either tell you the truth or tell you it's none of your business. I would recommend reading some of my blogs before requesting an add unless you like living on the edge LOL. And if you're looking for some bootycalling backburner bitch, look elsewhere. Peace

My Interests

Bar Hopping, Dancing, Kissing, NFL Football (Go EAGLES!!), Knitting, Wine, Beer/Ale, Comics (DC Rules!), Shopping, Bowling, Sudoku, Fishing, Hiking, Religion, Salad (not the kind you put dressing on), Reading, Writing, Anything That Won't Lead to Incarceration, George W. Bush jokes, politics, spending good times with good people.

I'd like to meet:

God, Ezra (we need to have a LONG talk!), the punks that stole my favorite stuffed animal, Bill Clinton, Bill Maher, Alice Walker, myself after I've completed this transformation, people who aren't looking for someone to blame, Langston Hughes & William Carlos Williams (yeah a seance might be needed but so what!), people who actually pick up books and READ them, anyone who could possibly make my brain sweat, people whose flava comes from who they are as opposed to who they're wearing, people who can leave me speechless, people who have perfected the fine art of zerberting, and people who like to laugh till it hurts.


Erykah Badu, Chaka Khan, Gil Scott Heron, Frank Zappa, Bach, Tori Amos, Bjork, Massive Attack, KRS-One, Public Enemy, John Coltrane, Metallica, Ministry, Children of Bodom, Avenged Sevenfold, The Roots, Jill Scott, Etta James, Sting, Clannad, Beetoven, Mozart, Thomas Newman, Al Green, Earth Wind & Fire, Portishead, Tricky, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, Motorhead, Mastodon, Guru, Digable Planets, Immortal Technique, and many, Many, MANY more.


Fight Club, Shawshank Redemption, Usual Suspects, American Beauty, LOTR Trilogy, Wonderland, Magnolia, Mememto, The Cell, Snatch, American History X, Primal Fear, The 25th Hour, Cable Guy, Bram Stoker's Dracula, The Wicker Man, Citizen Kane, Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Star Trek 6, All About Eve, Kill Bill, 1 & 2, Sin City, Spanglish, Dogma, Chasing Amy, Jersey Girl, Batman Begins...


Nip/Tuck, Rome, The Boondocks, Justice League Unlimited, The Shield, Inside the NFL, Playbook, Sleeper Cell, Simpsons, The West Wing, Invasion, Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Stargate SG1, Stargate Atlantis, Huff, Weeds, Deadwood, Sopranos...


Fight Club, anything by Stephen King, Hamlet, Moral Politics, Farenheit 451, Dark Knight Returns 1 & 2, Kingdom Come, The Watchmen, Lolita, The Story of O, anything by Neil Gaiman, Hamlet's Mill, anything by Joseph Campbell, Davinci Code, Adventures in the Screen Trade, God vs The Constitution, anything by Kafka...the list goes on and on and on...

My Blog

Black People Need To Get A Fucking Grip...OK?

I've been sitting and spinning on my ire for several weeks now, but enough is enough....Here are the Reader's Digest versions....Genarlow Wilson - A young black man currently serving a 10 year sentenc...
Posted by Analog Girl In A Digital World on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 11:20:00 PST

A Prayer...For the Whipped...Re-Post

***Recent events among some of my guy friends warrant the reposting of this blog.  Rather than work myself up and sweat my hair out trying to express my concern regarding men, I'll let this do th...
Posted by Analog Girl In A Digital World on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 12:31:00 PST

Being Random In My Randomness...

It's Wednesday night.  I managed to get home early and enjoyed some lovely relations and am now puttering about while Caramelly Goodness remains passed out behind me.  The funny thing about ...
Posted by Analog Girl In A Digital World on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:47:00 PST

The Emasculation of the American Male

There's a creature that needs to placed on the endangered species list post haste. Not some bird or whale or bug of some kind.  I'm talking about men.  Real men.  Please note that I mak...
Posted by Analog Girl In A Digital World on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 09:56:00 PST

Why I'm Not God....And Other Musings...

Over the past few months while watching the news or even in general conversation, I've caught myself saying the following..."Ya'll better be glad I'm not God."It's funny during those moments when I've...
Posted by Analog Girl In A Digital World on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 04:28:00 PST

Let's Talk About Sex, Baby!!

Welcome to my first sex blog of 2007! Yes, Virginia...there is a Santa Claus and these are rants.To Blow Or Not To Blow...Is That STILL A Question???So the subject of blowjobs came up (no pun intended...
Posted by Analog Girl In A Digital World on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 02:07:00 PST

Thoughts....Dreams....Resolutions....And Other Shit

Well here it is, almost one month gone and I'm finally sitting down to write for the new year. When I think of how quickly 2006 came and went, it kinda scares me that 2007 might fly by with the same ...
Posted by Analog Girl In A Digital World on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 12:27:00 PST

Will You Please Tell Your Dicks That An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure?!

For the record, I love men. I really do. Most of my friends are men and I just seem to get along with them more often than not. We seem to be on the same wavelength, I guess. But then men will turn...
Posted by Analog Girl In A Digital World on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 11:04:00 PST

Why Would You Chase Him? And other musings...

As a woman, there aren't a whole lot of times that I like talking shit about my own gender. While I wouldn't categorize myself as a feminist, I do believe in solidarity to a certain extent.However......
Posted by Analog Girl In A Digital World on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 11:24:00 PST

Whaddya Mean, "No Nasty"???!!!

A few days ago I was hanging with a couple of friends. As we were chatting it up, there was a brief discussion about two individuals who have two things in common. One, the fact that neither has been...
Posted by Analog Girl In A Digital World on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 01:39:00 PST