Hi!! I'm Emma and I work www.Hip-HopKings.com. Read more about the company further below. If you want like to contact me regarding the website or any other projects either message me, email me or get at me via MSN or AIM.
MSN: [email protected]
AOL Username: emzieHHK
Outside of Hip-Hop Kings I am a normal 19 year old girl. I love all types of music but I love Oasis and Noel Gallagher, he is my complete idol!! I also love spending time with my friends, shopping, partying and just generally having a good time =]
I am engaged to and living with the most incredibilist, amazingest man in tha entire universe. His name is ♥Stuart Hallick♥ We hae been together for a yr n a half. He is tha love of my life. I really didn’t think it was possible to feel this way about neone, but I was wrong. So far everythin is perfect… I hope this will always be. He puts up with me no matter what. Even tho I can be the most irritating, messiest, argumentative & moodiest person eva he dosent care. He still loves me for me. He is so caring and supportive thru everything. He is the man I dream of marrying n having lotsa lil Emz n Stu’s running around. I don’t think it would be possible to ever stop loving him. He makes me feel special. I now know that my destiny is to be with him!! I believe in fate because of him =]
Oh yeah and he is pure fookin’ sexiness!!
♥Stuart..You leave me..breathless!!!
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About HHK Entertainment Limited
Hip-Hop Kings is dedicated to bringing you the latest news, most in-depth reviews and the biggest interviews from across the globe. Supporting International Hip-Hop you can find music from quite literally around the world. We firmly believe that Hip-Hop music and the urban lifestyle should be embraced as one, so you won’t find separation or pigeonholing anywhere throughout the website.
Not only do we cover the biggest of stars, but our ears to the street bring you the hottest new artists emerging from the underground circuit. So no matter of your promotional budget or advertising campaign, we’re ready to listen to any music submissions. For contact details please visit the “Contact Us†section of the main website.
Our media system will enable fans to listen to the newest singles, watch high-quality videos and download a selection of free mix-tapes from a range of artists. Our interactive community will allow you to share comments, thoughts and talk with other Hip-Hop fans everywhere. Live the lifestyle, and enjoy the experience.
Check out some of the Interviews on www.hip-hopkings.com
Akir, Atmosphere, Avalanche, Chester P, Cyssero, Dan Greenpeace, DJ Ames, DJ Brewsky, DJ Ironik, DJ Smallz, DJ Vokal FredWreck, Gillie Da Kid, Icon The Mic King, Intense, Joel Zela, Kyle Lucas, Immortal Technique, J.R Rotem, Joe Gutta, L.E.G.A.C.Y, LATE, Kashmere, Killa Klump, Kruwl, Loose Logic, Maspyke, Mista Montana, Mistah F.A.B, Ms Re, Mystic Man And Eshamanjaro, Nu Jerzey Devil, Nyla B, Ozmosis, Panama, Plan B, Rhyme Asylum, Rising Son, Rob Kelly, Rugged Intellect, Serengeti, Sir Aah, Skillz, Skinnyman, Sky 7th, Stack$, stic.man, Sway And King Tech, Tazo C, Tee Jay, Terra Firma, The Away Team, TQ, Tricksta, Visual, Vonnegutt, Vursatyle, Woody Rock, Xzibit.
Ryan Maxwell[email protected] Managing Director/Writer
Stuart Hallick [email protected] Managing Director
Martin Crepaz [email protected] Website Maintainance
Craig Lamont [email protected] Graphic Designer
Emma Dawson [email protected] Content Manager