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miss sissy

I am here for Friends

About Me

I live in Burbank, California. I have a wonderful husband (Kenny) and a way coooool daughter (Emily). We have 1 dog -- Greta. I like to visit cemeteries with my coooler bud, DW. When I grow up I want to be a librarian who gets to do whatever she wants and get paid for it. That mostly means I need to get paid for reading 'cuz it's my worst/best habit. I have an awesome sister who is a "Lucy" and helps people feel better. My favorite color is purple. Mean people need to find somewhere else to be other than my personal space. Avon really sells shoes. Amazon.com is possibly the greatest invention EVER. I like food .. all kinds of food .. I'll try most anything ... but if it's "ugly" I won't go near it. My FAVORITE food is probably tamales, enchiladas, beans and rice. Any mexican food actually. Growing up I told my Mom I needed to be Mexican so that I could have beans and rice at EVERY MEAL .. The world is a diverse and interesting place -- I'd like to travel more .. maybe to Ireland, Scotland and England. I can't go anywhere that has a "foreign" language -- I'd really panic then!! I'd love to live on the island of Moloka'i ... in the Hawaiian Islands. It's beautiful, serene, peaceful and not a whole lot of people .. small town living on an island. I BITE PEOPLE WHO AREN'T NICE !!!!

My Interests

Books, Books, Books; I used to crochet; I'd like to learn how to cross-stitch but can't concentrate long enough. Television viewing courtesy of the DVR...if we'd only known 20 years ago.

I'd like to meet:

People who will like me for who I am -- not for who they think I should be or what they "need" me to be for their own gain or fortune hunting. Persons who share similar intrests like books, cemeteries, old movies, and stuff of that vein. Said persons must also pretty much be pet people ... The only time I didn't have pets was when I lived in apartments.


LOVE IT!!! Hubby is a whiz as is the daughter - me = 0. My favorites right now: Carlos Santana, Santana, Israel Kamakawiwao'ole (Bradda Iz), Nine Inch Nails, Genesis, Yes, Peter Gabriel, Josh Groban, Adrea Bocielli (the blind opera guy), Garth Brooks, and if you ride with me do NOT complain about the Christmas music ... like it!! it's good for you!!


To Kill A Mockingbird, Gone With the Wind, Mary Poppins, I just recorded "Holes" on the DVR; Night at the Musuem, Polar Express, How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the Ron Howard version); Peter Pan (1924 - silent - Anna May Wong was Tiger Lily); most anything as long as it's not sad, doesn't have blood and guts, and isn't science fiction.


CSI (Las Vegas), House, Monk, Law & Order (any & all), George Lopez, Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, American Idol-7


To Kill A Mockingbird; Gone With the Wind; Mary Poppins - She Wrote; murder/mystery/thriller/historical novels; anything John Grisham; ... you will not ever catch me without a book. CURRENTLY READING: ***** Autobiography of Beatrix Potter ******


Lucy (#1 sister), Dawn, Cathy and Sandra (the bestest therapist EVER)