Offshore racing,.....Making TV Aquariums and Coffee Pot Aquariums,....... Nappin', ............and Music..all sorts, COMEDY OF ANY KIND,........ Ferrari,...... Rootin' ,.........THE SHOCKER.........Yelling Randomly....Talking with MYSELF...MEDS....
Get your own countUP at
You're An Alcoholic
Time to go back to step one.
What Kind of Drunk Are You?
Chris Farley--" In Heaven" .....The Boogey man....Tooth Fairy........Emmett Fox...Watchmen Ni......C.S.
You scored as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Congratulations! You are obsessive-compulsive! You know nothing curbs images of mutilating your mother like a good counting/checking/washing ritual... wait, DID you forget to turn off the stove???
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Unipolar Depression
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Eating Disorders
The Cure...Depeche Mode...Robert Johnson and the Family Band.....Sade...John Coltrane....Lars Behrenroth-Deeper Shades-,......Gibb Droll......Everything....Kirk Whalum...Fred Hammond....RETRO LOUNGE MUSIC......Johnny Cash....Bluegrass..
.. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -
Your Pimp Name Is...
Pimp Daddy Dogg
What's Your Pimp Name?
NAPOLEON DYNAMITE........NAPOLEON DYNAMITE..........Uncle Buck......BLUES BROTHERS.....Office Space.........KELLY'S HEROES....The Croupier......Ace Ventura-Pet Detective....TOMMY BOY...BILLY MADISON.....PLANES TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES.....
SEINFELD......SEINFELD.....Curb You Enthusiasm......ENTOURAGE........Mega Machines....Junkyard Wars....Ulti.m.ate Fighter...XTC on Spike...24
Napoleon Dynamite Videos
.HEALING ADD ..By Daniel G Amen........The Sermon on the Mount.......The Giving Tree....Road Less Traveled...The Big Big Book...The AA Big Book...The RELENTLESS TENDERNESS OF JESUS BY--Brennan Manning---The RAGAMUFFIN GOSPEL---By Brennan Manning, any book by CLIVE CUSSLER,
Jesus Christ.....Clint Eastwood....The Rock.....Mr. T....Fred Hammond.....PEOPLE WHO GO AFTER THE DOWNTRODDEN AND STAND UP TO PUNKS AND BULLIES..